Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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anonymous July 1 2009, 13:30:14 UTC
The Nation is up to you (though I would love anything to do with China, Russia or England) and the kink is having a non-nation trying to chat up a Nation in a bar/club/pub/wherever with cheesy pick-up lines.

How it goes is entirely up to you, sexytimes and/or just plain lulz is fine. Multiple fills would be fab, be it a drabble or a novel length fic.

Bonus: Jealous Nation B butts in.


Re: East Palace 1/1 anonymous July 13 2009, 05:38:03 UTC
Writer!anon here. Thanks!

I'll write a Tang dynasty fic with Kiku as ambassador if I can find the time but I'm so busy nowadays and that would need historical research to make sure the details are right. Yep, Tang dynasty hanfu for women was revealing and sexy and I'm sure Yao would look good cross-dressed.

I dunno, but I feel kinda dubious that I'm really Chinese sometimes for various reasons...Somehow, it seems kind of hard to believe that my family really came from there. I'm a southerner and some people like to say southern Chinese are not really Chinese plus I've never been there so maybe it's a conspiracy and the country doesn't really exist XD Ok, this is crazy talk...


Re: East Palace 1/1 anonymous July 13 2009, 05:53:47 UTC
You're welcome. ^^

Ah, Kiku~ It would be interesting putting the Tang Dynasty and Heian period together, or even the Nara period (with their clothing style highly influenced by the Chinese). Yes, anon really does have quite a passion for clothings. *cough*

Has writer!anon also filled other requests here? Would love to read them!

Hahaha~ My ancestors were from China about... 4 generations back? From where I'm from, we're pretty multi-cultural. Neither have I been to pay Yao a visit yet! XD Parents have already done so. ;A;


Re: East Palace 1/1 anonymous July 14 2009, 04:19:20 UTC
Writer!anon here. Yeah, I was thinking of Nara or Heian Japan with Tang.I've been reading up on the Tang dynasty but I don't think I will find the time until next month.

I have filled another request here but I'm afraid that I can't link to it because my identity will become obvious.

My family and lots of people I know have been to China so I hear stories (or I meet people from there) but I guess I should go and see it for myself.:)


Re: East Palace 1/1 anonymous July 14 2009, 05:18:44 UTC
Oh? Is it because you've posted it on the main comm? '~' *still hopes to read it* Which pairing/characters did you write about?

Ah~~~ Then I do hope that in the near future there'll be a request for such prompt. I so hope to read them! \o/

*nods* Hearing is one thing, but seeing is wholly something different. ^^


Re: East Palace 1/1 anonymous July 14 2009, 11:38:27 UTC
Writer!Anon here.

Recaptcha: denial gaylord (weirdly appropriate lol)

Someone posted a request for Tang!China and Heian!Japan actually, not me.Hope to fill it eventually.

If anyone is wondering about the title, it's taken from this mainland gay movie called "East Palace, West Palace" about a guy who's in love with a policeman who arrests him for cruising in a Beijing park.Guess the guy must be into uniforms and authority figure lol


Yao has a very long history of teh gay (homosexual emperors lol)actually, will probably write about it someday.


anonymous July 13 2009, 11:08:20 UTC
Oh writer!anon, don't worry about misrepresentation, this is spot on! I've lived in China for a while now and totally understand the laowai's initial hate.

I love you so hard for writing about China and the descriptions of his appearance are mesmerizing. Korea is so lovably possessive too! Will you continue this?


anonymous July 14 2009, 04:24:36 UTC
Thanks! Maybe next month when I have more time.

I'm totally crazy about Yao and there are lots of China pairings I would love to write XD Who would have thunk that I would be reading Chinese history at my ripe old age after a lifetime as a banana?

He gets some Russia x China love but not enough with other countries...


Modern girls are forward 1/2 anonymous July 13 2009, 18:31:11 UTC
"Those are seriously cool contacts," the girl yelled to him over the pulsating music him. "And your hair, wow!"

Gilbert's smirked and leant closer to her, discretely inspecting her cleavage. He may have lost his land and title, but by the gods if the twenty-first century didn't have some things to make up for that. Right now, his list started with "clubbing" and the insane genius who had decided that fluorescent fabric tubes strained to bursting constituted enough clothing for an evening out.

"Do you come here often?" he asked, mentally thanking Poland for helping him pick out the torn red t-shirt that gave enough teasing glimpse of his awesome to snare anyone.



The girl nodded and pointed at him. Prussia shrugged; the music was horrible, the alcohol overpriced (that wanted how many euros for a drink? For a moment, he got flashback to the thirties) and the flickering lights on the dance floor gave him a headache if he looked too long. But West had professed a dislike for these kinds of ( ... )


Modern girls are forward 2/2 anonymous July 13 2009, 18:32:26 UTC
"Well I'm fucking sorry, but you don't have to cockblock me for that ( ... )


Re: Modern girls are forward 2/2 anonymous July 13 2009, 20:59:19 UTC
Aw this is awesome anon! Love these two haha XD Especially liked how they are going to end up completely drunk in true brotherly fashion XD


Re: Modern girls are forward 2/2 anonymous July 13 2009, 21:53:17 UTC
Ahahahahhaaa~ Awwwwwwwww~ Gilbert! Why do I have a feeling that he was drinking absinthe? XDDDDDDDDD Ohoho~ More beers...


author here anonymous July 13 2009, 22:14:33 UTC
(errr... the second shirt, the ugly one? that's supposed to be tie -_- plus html fail, go me)


Re: Modern girls are forward 2/2 anonymous July 15 2009, 03:17:01 UTC
Please, marry me.

And write more West/Prussia, you're AWESOME at that.


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