[News - Goods + Orders] Charms, Wall pockets, 2014 Desk Calendar! + Clear Card Reveal for vol. 3 DVD

Aug 29, 2013 19:39

More items announced with some really quick reservation deadlines D:
So let me know ASAP if you're interested!

Summary of post:
- Clear card revealed for seasn 5 vol.3 DVD!!
- Sound World CD Art cover (not sure if someone posted yet?)
- Metal Charms Set
- Wall pocket
- 2014 desk calendar
- Orders!!

FIRST OFF, THE BEST NEWS (at least, to me lol):
The clear card for Season 5 vol. 3 DVD is

Vol.3 is now officially my favourite DVD volume out of every DVD released for Hetalia ;u;
Not only is there a Prussia DVD slip, but also a Spain clear card and then Germany for talk and fdjgklfdgdfgfd!!!

Only one volume left to go. Anyone have a clue what the fourth clear card will be? I have a hunch it'll be England (but don't quote me on that, this is just a guess based on merchandise and character popularity trend)

And I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet? But here is the cover for the sound world cd

There was also a bonus B2 length poster if you ordered from Animate!

Now, onto new goods!

Hetalia Metal Charm Set
3,150 Yen for set of 8
Released: Mid September 2013

Reservation deadline: 4th September
(What the hell is with the reservation deadline!! So soon ;;)

Hetalia Wall Pockets
1890 Yen
Released: Mid September 2013

Reservation deadline: 4th September
(What the hell is with the reservation deadline!! So soon ;;)

Wall pockets are normally made out of some kind of fabric material (sometimes with plastic) that has pockets on them and you can hang it on your wall for storage/display space etc!



Hetalia 2014 Anime Art Desk Calendar
1575 Yen
Released: Mid October 2013

Reservation deadline: 29th September


I'm quickly throwing this up so I will edit it afterwards fdjgklfdgfd
Currently, price is based on Animate store's prices and the shopping proxy fee, but if I find it cheaper elsewhere I'll be sure to lower and adjust it!

Charms: 600 Yen each
Wall Pocket: 2300 Yen
Calendars: 1900 Yen

* Price includes 1 item + initial fee for the shopping service the order will go through
* If I manage to find them cheaper elsewhere or we fill up almost all of the spaces, I'll lower prices accordingly *v*)b

Payments: Paypal only
No cancellations/backing out on orders. Only put one through if you are 100% of going through with it. If you cancel, a refund will not be available and it will result in negative feedback.

Payments to be done in two parts:

Charge 1) Item Price
Payment Deadline: 2nd September for charms + wall pocket (aka, asap as i don't want to miss the reservation deadline. If they are still available after the deadline, then I will adjust the deadline date!). 20th September for Calendars.

Charms: 600 Yen each
Wall Pocket: 2300 Yen
Calendars: 1900 Yen

Charge 1 is the total of your item and quantity.
e.g. 2 charms will be 1200 yen.

Charge 2) Shipping + fees
Splitting of other fees such as shipment of items from Japan to me and then shipping from me to you

Combined Orders:
Some of the release dates are close together so they can be combined and shipped with some of my other orders :)

Charms and Wall Pockets can be combined/shipped with:

Clearfile Orders over here
Pizza Snacks with Bromde Cards over here
Muffler Towel, Charm Straps and Dango this way
Memo, Mirrors, Decoration Jacket Stickers, Mousepads
Calendars can only be combined with either the meal charms or wall pockets in this order.

600 Yen each

Boxes to be ordered: 5

Orders have been put in! I will not open orders for more boxes, but orders are still open for leftover charms:

Japan: 1
France: 1
China: 4
North Italy: 1

Box 1
Definite order

1. North Italy - tagami_yami
2. France - psanon
3. Japan -
4. Russia - psanon
5. China -
6. America - candysweett
7. Germany - psanon
8. England - candysweett

Box 2
Definite order

1. North Italy - tagami_yami
2. France - raz2b
3. Japan - glassaura
4. Russia - tagami_yami
5. China -
6. America - mystrel_chan
7. Germany - lilredlfc
8. England - raz2b

Box 3
Definite order

1. North Italy - vampirenaomi
2. France -
3. Japan - tagami_yami
4. Russia - tagami_yami
5. China -
6. America - tagami_yami
7. Germany - vampirenaomi
8. England - mystrel_chan

Box 4
Tentative order
Requires min. 3 more claims to order
1. North Italy -
2. France - raz2b
3. Japan - tagami_yami
4. Russia - tagami_yami
5. China -
6. America - braythebrat
7. Germany - tagami_yami
8. England - glassaura

Box 5: All

Wall Pocket
2300 Yen each

Number to be ordered: 4
No minimum required


1. psanon
2. raz2b

3. vampirenaomi
4. kap955

2014 Anime Art Desk Calendar
1900 Yen each

[ No stock image yet ]

Number to be ordered: 2
No minimum required


1. psanon

2. vampirenaomi

Please DO NOT contact me via my paypal email.
If you have an inquiry, please leave them in reply to this post.

news: goods, ad: sales

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