Title: France/UK artdump
starstrayCharacter(s) or Pairing(s): (in order) UK, France, France/UK
Rating: Low PG-13 ... ?
Warnings: Nothing really, just fair levels of dumb.
Summary: Middling-large dump of varying vintage and ridiculosity, of the Francis and Arthur kind.
Happy Arthur
Sad Arthur
I would like to see more of this expression (in canon) on Francis' face
Francis in a nightshirt.
Francis trying to swallow tongue Arthur
So I was walking around in Urban Outfitters Oxford Street one day and saw this great shirt.
Urban Outfitters is an American chain (I think), and Oxford Street is a major shopping street in London.
Read some comment somewhere on 'La Vie en Rose' being the song French crooners sing to portray their country (?)
The Taming of the Shrew was showing in London a couple of months back. Posters all over the tube, something must have seeped into my subconscious and boy did the actor playing Petruchio have the sleaziest leer.
For comparison :
the poster Titanic shtick. Btw,
this article on why the most number of British were casualties in the Titanic disaster quite amused me. (I'm a terrible person)
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