[Fanart] Eurovision Song Contest 2009

May 17, 2009 03:21

Artist: generalcowslip // Cowslip on dA
Older Entries: 1
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Sweden, France, England, Russia
Rating: PG (?)
Warnings: Men in dresses? xD"

First of all, congrats to Norway for that sovereign winning ^^v You really deserve it <3
Second,please, please don't blame me for this, I know you were thinking exactly the same while watching it >DDD

It's just a quick sketch but I couldn't resist posting it here so... enjoy 8DDD

Commentary is highly appreciated ^__^

-estonia, -england, fan: art, -russia, -iceland, -norway, -sweden, -france, -denmark

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