Different ethnic groups [Discussion]

Jul 03, 2009 15:30

Okay. So we all know Hetalia is probably one of the diverse anime ever. And I love it for that. I really do and for some, it may fill them with ethnic pride that their race/nationality is finally being represented in an anime/manga because a lot of the time, anime is homogeneous (not including people that aren't human). The anime industry has come a long way from that, but it could still come a little further, I think.

So  with all of the diversity of Hetalia, I was kind of disappointed in the lack of representation in Latin America and African nations (even Arab ones). Yes, there is Cuba, Egypt, and Seychelles, but I really hope that  Himaruya creates some more if he hasn't begun to already.

Because as a black fangirl, I was really hoping that, because of all the other nations present, there would be a black/African character (even better if female) that wasn't racist stereotype (i.e., "blackface"). Behold my disappointment when I find that there isn't one. .__. (I don't really count Seychelles as "black" because she's supposed to be a mix of all the ethnic groups there, right?)

And then I crawl back into my hole of rejection because obviously I'm not good enough if my heritage isn't even represented in a comic about different nations of the world.

I mean, really, can we get a South Africa? 
 [/end rant] .

Edit: I'm not being serious when I said the "crawl back in hole" part. It's an exaggeration of my "woe is me" feelings. And I understand that Himaruya is just drawing what he finds interesting/can make a joke with and he isn't obligated to create any country to make it ethnically fair. I get that. But that doesn't stop me from wanting my race to be represented, I mean, who wouldn't? I'll love Hetalia either way, but I'd love it even more if a little slice of Africa was mentioned, kay? :)

So discussion. Anyone else feel like their race is grossly unrepresented?

=group: all nations, community: discussion

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