Translated by :
madhatterarashi (Japanese -> Italian, Italian -> English),
minako85 (Italian -> English).
Edited by :
minako85Scans provided by :
mighty_mu_muWarning : Image heavy! And if you click on them, they'll became even more HEAVY!
Translator Notes:
[The congress dances]/[会議は踊る - Kaigi wa odoru]:
Der Kongreß tanzt is a german musical comedy produced into 1931, sets during the Congress of Vienna. It was also adapted, in Japan, as a
Takarazuka stage play.
Its title actually derives from a sentence of
Charles Joseph, Prince de Ligne, who wrote to the prince of Talleyrand in a letter, dated November 1st 1814 : "Le congres danse beaucoup, mais il ne marche pas" (The congress dances, but does not progress). He was referring to the fact that, to ease his guest staying, the Austrian emperor organized a lot of informal meetings, parties and other aumusements.
[I'll beat you up for the next 100 years] - It was written フルボッコ. I tried to search for it and even asked my sensei about it, but nothing come up. I've sorta gone by sense here, so if some of you could provide a better translation I would be grateful forever. Thanks to
dawnelkin for confirming my interpretation.
[Liet] - It was actually written リト, Lito, but since we're now used to call him Liet I changed the translation a bit.
I would like to thanks my sensei, without which I would never get trough Spain's kansai-ben, China's Japanese and some random kanji, and my editor
minako85, who tried to kill me once I presented her the pages. Even if you went commando on me with the keyboard, I still love you. ~~♥
Also, I would like to give my love and the best of wishes to you all, guys! You're so much made of awesome that if you wouldn't be there, someone should invented you!
Buon Natale!