Hey everyone! Since we had such a wonderful turn out to the Hetalia Day meet,
thecurtain, and I would love to invite you all to a Holiday meet upon Hetalia-sized proportions!
When: December 26
Location: Pine Beach, NJ - at
dani_in_japan's place. If you need directions, PM either her or me. Since I'll be driving from Maryland, I can carpool up to 4 more people. If there are more, we can always follow each other up.
Time: TBA
Details: Cosplay is preferred, but not required. You're welcome to do a Holiday or casual cosplay. You can bring a side dish from your "country" that's holiday related. Also, please bring a small wrapped gift (gently used, handmade, or less than $5) for a holiday game - no "gag gifts" please!
More details will come out as the day gets closer. Questions? Comment here, or feel free to PM either myself,
dani_in_japan, or
Other suggestions are welcome as well!
We look forward to seeing you all there!