Mar 22, 2010 17:05
Random thought. Obviously, in Hetalia canon, some countries are "blood" related to each other (Prussia and Germany, Canada and America, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, etc.) while others form family units (England & his colonies, etc.)
Do you think there would be the possibility that some countries are "cousins" instead? Related, but not as close as siblings?
The one example I usually focus on is the German family. Austria, Prussia, and Swizterland certainly never refer to each other as brothers, but I've seen a lot of fanart where they are considered one big "family" (along with Germany, HRE, Liechtenstein, Germania and occasionally England, Denmark and Sweden). Prussia and Austria exerted what some historians call a "duality" on German history and the rest of the German states, and the Austro-Prussia War of 1866 had fascinating names such as the "German Civil War" and Bruderkrieg, German for "fraternal war".
I think it's believable to think that Austria and Switzerland are, perhaps, the "cousins" that occasionally come over to visit. Austria seems abnormally comfortable around Germany (HRE --> Germany theory aside) to the extent that he'll mess with his clothes and perhaps demand cake. This strikes me as odd because he's clearly not that way with many other countries. It amuses me to remember that he's the only dark-haired one out of the group. xD; Wonder where THAT gene came in...
Any thoughts? ^^; Do you see any other countries being related to each other in this way?
community: discussion