Titolo: Piri-tan in Yumeno
Karakter/Pairing/s: OC!F!Piri
Rating/Marka: G
Warnings/Babala: No background. Rushed in Photoshop. My epic fail at shadows. A lopsided nametag OTL (And I seem to have been possessed somewhere near the end of this post, for I begin babbling.)
Buod/Preview: Just as the title says. Piri-tan in the uniform of the school of my last drabblet,
Just a Little Secret, Yumeno.
Piri's posing for an ID pic here. I didn't know what to do with her hair, so it's tied in a long braid at the middle of her head. The flowers were supposed to be white, but since this is a WIP, I made it yellow first as to stand out against the background (or lack of, OTL) Leste-chan was supposed to be in this post, but as her hair's been giving me trouble, she'll have to do for next time... =.=
I know this came out of nowhere, but here's a little note on her cross:
It's simple silver, and is a gift from Vatican City. She once had an ornate gold one with "Mi hija Las Islas Filipinas" engraved on it. It came from - you guessed it - her Papa Spain, and Japan forcefully took it from her during his occupation. (He did not get to take the matching bracelet that Maria hides to this day in a locked box, unknown to anyone.) The one she wears now is simpler and more practical, and in my headcanon Vatican City/Holy See-tan gave this to all Christian Nations in one point of their lives. Leste-chan also wears this cross in the next pic I'll (hopefully) get to color.
I was supposed to draw her reverse harem boys (US, Mex, Aussie, Japan, Korea, even Russia, and UK because I will forever ship Prussia with Hungary) in gakuran, but since Mexico's appearance differs from artist to artist, I'm having a bit of trouble with him... OTL
Well then, that's that. And did you notice that this is my first real LJ-cut? It may not look like much, but I'm utterly pleased with myself. Credit when using, please. If anyone would actually like to use it.
Oh, and here's something I saw while browsing the web:
Australia-Philippines relations. It's a short wiki and didn't say very much, but it made my day 'cause it made my mom say: "Oh, an MOU... MU! Mag-MU silang dalawa!!!" ~.~ ...I think you all know why this made me happy. ~.~
PS: This was drawn as a fluffy therapy piece before embarking on a rather angsty one-shot regarding a song, an immortally pretty lady, and Nations who just can't forget the past.
All he wanted to say were three little words. I, Love, You. But she might also tell him the words that would break his heart; Let's just be friends.
...I think I gave away what song it is now OTL Anyway, until I decide to post again~!