I'm a HERO, I swear!

Jan 19, 2009 00:06

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Naomi
Gender: Female
What do you LOVE?: I love lot's of things! Like history, mythology, ancient religions, learning about different countries, comedy, science fiction, fantasy, art, my friends, knowing things other people don't, collecting crap stuff.
And what do you HATE?: SPIDERS, I frickin' hate them and people tease me with my fear. I also hate people who think that they will help the world by rebelling against every single thing and people who say that they don't judge people but still would stick a sticker with 'nerd' or 'geek' on my head anyday.
Strengths: My imaginary knows no boundaries and I'm also artistic. I try to look at everything in a positive way and I love my real life and internet friends with whole my heart. I'm also to quickly learn new things when I'm interested in them and will not forget them easily.
Weaknesses: I feel uncomfortable when I'm around a lot of people or when people show friendly affection towards me, like hugging me or giving kisses to eachother on the cheek when saying hello or goodbye. I'm quite reserved and only a few people know the 'real' me. I'm also quite lazy and can act like a tsundere sometimes.

Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Reading, Browsing the internet, Looking up facts, Making people laugh by being myself, Being crazy,...
Favorite Color: Green, blue and red.
What is your favorite food?: Subs and scrambled eggs. No, I don't eat them at the same time.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): England and Holland. And all the other countries with rich cultures~
Mature or Childish?: Most people tell me that I'm mature for my age but I consider myself pretty childish of nature.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: I'm not very good at leading people because I always get frustrated when they don't know what they have to do eventhough I explained it to them. But I also don't like being a follower because then I can't really control what I have to do. So I don't really know xD...

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: Prussia, because he's just so batshit crazy ♥. Oh, and England because he's such a tsundere.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Uh, *goes to check the list*. Almost every one where Germany is in the shower while Italy visits him sticks out for me. That must say something about me, doesn't it?
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: I would love to say tea but I haven't had it for years so I would have to say hamburgers.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: England, Spain, Germany and Prussia.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: I don't have the guts to watch scary movies...The Skeleton Key made me jumpy enough.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: England/Japan because of all those vids xD, Germany/Prussia and Spain/S.Italy.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Yes, I do believe in them. I kinda believe in almost every supernatural thing.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Knowing myself I would quickly make a plan, attack and improvise the things my plan doesn't include.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Something to draw/write, a bag to put the things in I found and camping stuff.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:
Not my best picture ever but there are surprisingly almost no pictures with my face on it from last year.

Any final words?: Belgium rocks?
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?: One Two Three
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: PRUSSIA, IS THAT YOU? Because if it is...

stamped!canada, !stamped

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