Name: Theo
Gender: Male
Stamped As: N. Italy
Introverted or Extroverted?: Extroverted; but tends to be introverted at times as well
Rational or Emotional?: Emotional
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic
Dominant or Submissive?: Both; depends on the person I'm facing with
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Small Groups
Cautious or Impulsive?: Impulsive; cautious at times or on different situations
Pet Peeves: People who brags a lot, hypocrites, lazy people, etc.
Which traits do you like in a friend?:
The first thing that comes to my mind would be...loyalty. But not really extreme loyalty, but just enough to keep ourselves together. Shares most of my interest and hobbies too. I also want this person to be somehow better than me (at talent and whatnot) just a bit because i like a friend who has something that i don't have and is a great person who i could also look up to. This person also has to be honest and could keep promises and such; the basic stuffs~ Plus, he/she has to be independent and capable because i don't want to be relied on too much. Oh! And preferably, this person is not too popular or too dorky, just has a normal social standing/position.
Which traits don't you like in a friend?:
Simple! When this friend of mine is not actually your friend, but he/she acts like one just so that he/she could use you. That would probably something i don't want in a friend or well, not a friend exactly ; u ; Aaaaaand, i don't like a friend who actually hurts you more than it needs to be, physically or mentally, even though they were only joking around.
Introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Would you prefer to be their only or "best" friend, or do you not mind sharing the spotlight? I actually don't mind sharing the spotlight, but...sometimes, when i do, a friend just kind of drift away from me since they start having new friends and stuff. But it is really okay though, it is my friend's choice to interact with other people and i respect that.
You and your best friend have a day totally free from all other obligations and appointments. You can do whatever you want! What do you do? SURPRISE SURPRISE! Since i always have this hanging out plan with one of my friend, i would take my friend to a mall (but a mall that still maintains a small number of people) and take him/her to the bookstore, game shops, and maybe the arcade too! Lastly, this would be totally on my part of the whole plan, take my friend to a good restaurant that hopefully is affordable but serves good food since i am such a fag~ End the day by going to his house or maybe even to my house -- but i don't do both if my friend turns out to be a girl lmaooo.
You and your friend have an argument. What's it most likely about? It's probably something stupid like say -- when we have different opinions and why i act so weird at times D8
Your friend needs money. Would you give it to them as a gift, loan it to them and expect money back, or just not give them any? Why? I will loan it. I am accustomed to give money away that easily to some of my friends, so i don't really mind lending it even if he/she asks for a big sum of it. Hey, it's only money and the person's my friend! We got to stick togetherrrrr.
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