Name: makee
Gender: male
Stamped As: Canada
Introverted or Extroverted?: Introverted. I'm kinda really like that most of the time...But there are times when i'm with my friends that i can be a socialite but then again there are even times when i introvert myself to them so yeah that's that.
Rational or Emotional?: I'm very emotional. Most of the times my emotion just get to me and i get very emotional
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: I'm very optimistic! Though there are times that bad things happened to me, I still keep my optimism up
Dominant or Submissive?: I'm more of submissive...
Large Groups or Small Groups?: I would prefer a small group. I can kinda say what i want to say if i'm in a small group...
Cautious or Impulsive?: Uhm...I'm kinda impulsive most of the time, but I'm cautious at times too
Pet Peeves: Uhm smoking, horror movies, bullies, descrimination, etc.
Which traits would you want in a partner?: Kind, treats me right, always there to comfort me, accepts me for who I am, loyal, sweet, explains in a calm and nice manner (not in a like angry way) when i'm wrong, a pleasing personality, knows some chores, etc.
Which traits wouldn't you want in a partner?: drugs, smoker, mean, any other unwanted trait for a partner
Dominant or submissive?: I want a dominant partner! I want my partner to be in control of things and knows his/her thing. It's okay if he's/she's a little submissive...
Introverted or extroverted?: i want him/her to be a little bit of both...but I like him/her to be more in the introvert side.
Romantic or like a 'best friend'?: Both! but I want him/her to be more romantic...
Would you rather have a fast-paced relationship, or take things slowly?: I want things to be a bit slow to start
An ideal date?: Any place that's romantic will be fine ^^ I simple date in a restaurant, watching the sunset or watching the twinkling stars and the moon, etc.
Links to Three Applications: Does it matter which gender your 'partner' is?: It dosen't matter to me at all...
Anything Else?: I wonder who will my lover be...hehe