This Buono Tomato is a fruit.
Name: Kichi
Gender: Chick
Stamped As: :x
Introverted or Extroverted?: Extroverted
Rational or Emotional?: Rational
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic
Dominant or Submissive?: Dominant
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Small Groups
Cautious or Impulsive?: Impulsive
Pet Peeves: Long finger nails, stubborn timidity...
Which traits do you like in a friend?: Shy with a sad smile (I like helping people!)
Which traits don't you like in a friend?: Drama/Attention Whore Tendencies
Introverted or extroverted? Introverted
Would you prefer to be their only or "best" friend, or do you not mind sharing the spotlight? O-Only...
You and your best friend have a day totally free from all other obligations and appointments. You can do whatever you want! What do you do? Sit around and watch/read Hetalia... xD
You and your friend have an argument. What's it most likely about? Whos turn it is to do the dishes and how I always get out of it somehow...
Your friend needs money. Would you give it to them as a gift, loan it to them and expect money back, or just not give them any? Why? Loan it to them and expect in back at their own pace.
Links to Three Applications: Anything Else?: <3