It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Twiggy~
Gender: Female
What do you LOVE?: Anyone that loves me, unless you're creepy as fuck.
And what do you HATE?: People in general who are stupid D:
Strengths: I have a lot of patience and work ethic, I'm really loyal.
Weaknesses: Porn, fandoms, people who ask for things.
Hobbies: Icon making, internet whoring, cleaning, being pushed around, being in love.
Favorite Color: Purple
What is your favorite food?: Pasta, no lie.
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Japan ;D
Mature or Childish?: Mature
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Follow unless wrong is being done.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: LITHUANIA...and it's a long story which involves an RP. Minorin wants to rape him. ;;
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: The one where it's Halloween and Poland answers the door and it's Russia. OR the one where America calls hitting someone Cannibalism.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: TEA is GOD.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Austria.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: Forrest Gump...WHAAAAT? I HAVE PROBLEMS.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: Straight - Hungary/Austria || Ghay - HRE/Chibitalia
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Yup :3
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Tact is always good.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: My Porn chest, my laptop, and a mop.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: My hair is a mix of gold and brown, shoulder length. I have hazel eyes, a prominant nose and am not skinny or fat. I have big boobs. Like, Ukraine boobs ;;
Any final words?: Please be kind to little old me ;D
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?: //\\ //\\, can I see your vital regions?: You can even sieze them~