I'm a HERO, contrary to popular belief~

Feb 07, 2010 18:40

It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Becky
Gender: Female, unless I’ve been misled my entire life.
What do you LOVE?: Why, many things! Cute things, especially cats and rabbits but I’m pretty much open to all cute things, sweet foods, the satisfaction of finishing something, catchy, cheery and usually cheesy music, alliteration, anime/manga (wow, really? D:) and cartoons, travelling, learning random facts, attempting to dance, Edward Monkton, holidays, funny things
And what do you HATE?: Neds (especially the wee ones that think they’re hard), homophobia, racism, sexism, nationalism (that of which I’m familiar with, the SNP and BNP), people who are always complaining (unless for a good reason), whiny, depressed music, haters, fart jokes, some extreme things (extremists, extreme weather, extreme uncompromising political views etc), homework, creepy or gory things, waiting, losing things
Strengths: Ah, well, I suppose I’m booksmart, particularly for maths and sciences, but I’m a pretty good at most learning related things. Also, I like to think of myself as a nice person, I’m certainly not going to go out of my way to pick a fight or beat up orphans. Open-minded, which should be less of strength and more of a general requirement in modern society. I’m not ignorant. I would say I’m rather competitive and somewhat ambitious as well. Not exactly a strength, but not sure where else to but it; I’m very easily amused.
Weaknesses: I’m pretty much a master at procrastination, so I tend to leave things to the last minute. I suck at most things which require skill and/or creativity, like everything from drawing to cooking, (to be fair, this is totally inherited) also I’m not particularly good at any sports. Also, singing. You don’t want to hear me sing. Indecisiveness. I’m not good at talking to strangers or people I only vaguely know. I’ve been described as a worrier. Oh yes, I’m forgetful too. I’m a bit too emotional on occasion; it’s very easy to get me upset, and my family gets on my nerves way too quickly.
Hobbies: Reading, doodling, hanging out with friends, exploring the vastness of which is the internet, reading the news, swimming, pretending to be a terrible surgeon, shopping yet also saving money (oops hypocrisy), video games (not as much recently, I used to have a bad MMO addiction ._.), plotting world domination, giggling, checking my e-mail/facebook borderline obbessively. I don’t have many hobbies, as evident.
Favorite Color: Blue, sky blue is my favourite shade though~
What is your favorite food?: Umm, I have always enjoyed the strange combination of Rice and Greek Yogurt. I don’t remember how it came about, but it’s good and I rarely have the two separately. Also, sweet things!
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): To be honest, I don’t think any stand out particularly to me. I like the UK, having lived here my whole life and being rather fond of British culture in general, but it doesn’t stop the terrible weather from being terrible. South Africa has nice weather, interesting wildlife (lions, everything else and penguins), plants and geography, but I only have a rather limited view of the country, so I wouldn’t claim it’s my favourite. I also have small obsession with Singapore, despite knowing next to nothing about it.
Mature or Childish?: Childish! Especially when I’m with my friends, family or by myself. Otherwise, I’m a bit more mature around people I’m not as familiar with.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Probably follow. I’m too indecisive and scared to make decisions in general in order to lead. In a less serious context, and where no-one else seems willing to step up and I know what I’m doing, sure, I’ll lead.

Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: England. As for why, I’m not sure I can pinpoint an exact reason other than misguided patriotism. It doesn’t help that he’s quite popular in fandom generally. I love all the characters and their quirks, but my other favourites are the Nordics and Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: To be honest, it’s like the favourite country thing. I like a lot, but I don’t have a super special favourite coming to mind.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Tea! Hamburgers are good, but only once in a while, and I’ve forgotten what maple syrup tastes like.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: I like Iceland’s clothes for some reason, especially the bow and boots. Any historical outfits are also awesome, like pirate!UK and Grandpa Rome.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: I don’t like scary movies much, so I can’t really think of any… I suppose we could just get the latest, or better yet, a so bad it’s hilarious scary film.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: I like a lot actually, but to narrow it down; FrUK, USUK, Sufin, and GerIta. Crack pairings are awesome too.

Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: I’m sceptical of most paranormal things. However, I heard a story recently which is making them seem disturbingly more plausible. Still not entirely persuaded, however.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: Can we make peace? Please? D: If not, I’ll wait and plan with some tactician people before doing anything. Head-on or letting me lead an army by myself are not good ideas.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Ah! If I’m allowed to cheat; a yacht, a water tank and a yacht driving manual. That should get me home somehow.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Until I find a not terrible photo, I’m about about 5’5, scrawny build (think Osaka in Azumanga Daioh), lightish brown hair that goes past my shoulders in some styleless mess of waves and curls. Greyish eyes, glasses, large nose. There you go.

Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?: Un!
Oh, can I see your vital regions?: Weeeell, no. But since you’ve been so nice to look at my app, have this cupcake.

stamped!lithuania, !stamped

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