Oh, definitely seeing some North Italy here. You like pasta and Italian food? You'd cling to someone's leg and cry? And one of your weaknesses is logic. ahaha
Thank you for voting. :3 It's strange, so far everyone has said I remind them of Italy yet when I was writing this I wasn't thinking about him in the slightest. :'D
Haha, thank you for voting bb <3 Strangely I never even thought about comparing myself to Italy before now orz But he's adorable, so I don't think I mind!
I would love to be braver than I am, but I think if I was in a war situation I just wouldn't know how to deal with it. :'D I'd be clinging to the nearest soldier's leg going "DON'T LEAVE MEEEE I DON'T WANNA DIIIIEEE" and he'd be all "Oh dear God getitoff /shakes leg" *sigh* I'd be crap.
Comments 12
Definitely sounds like N. Italy to me.
Due to what you love, weaknesses, favorite food, mature or childish, the war question, aaand just about EVERYTHING else.
It's strange, so far everyone has said I remind them of Italy yet when I was writing this I wasn't thinking about him in the slightest. :'D
BASICALLY everything everyone else has mentioned..you are exactly like Ita-chan! >.<"
(BTW I'M TOTALLY FRIENDS WITH YOU ON LJ! You're from Scotland toooo, right~? 8D! )
but thank you!
(YEP. Hi! :3 /Scotland high-five ♥)
(YAY! /high-fives :'))
I would love to be braver than I am, but I think if I was in a war situation I just wouldn't know how to deal with it. :'D I'd be clinging to the nearest soldier's leg going "DON'T LEAVE MEEEE I DON'T WANNA DIIIIEEE" and he'd be all "Oh dear God getitoff /shakes leg"
*sigh* I'd be crap.
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