It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Dominic. And Luigi, but I honestly don't know why.
Gender: Male
What do you LOVE?: I love playing Pokemon, watching a lot of TV, soccer, football, and really, anything that's fun. That's what I revolve around; FUN. I love Yoshi. He is just plain awesome, like me (jk , I'm not conceited in any way). I like watching anything that is really funny. Honestly, I like clothes. There is no reason why you shouldn't look good all the time. I love animals. They're the most innocent creatures in the world. Eating.
And what do you HATE?: I hate ignorant people who base their opinion on other people's opinion. I hate people who scoop in dipping sauces; that's why they call them dipping sauces, but I don't know. I'm weird. I hate homophobia, racism, and reptiles, except for turtles. Turtles are awesome. I can't stand animal cruelty. Also, when people cut me off while I'm talking and Ivan (inside joke).
Strengths: Sports. I believe I'm athletically gifted. I'm open to a lot of things. I like to try new things. I'm very friendly and outspoken. I'm a very good listener and give good advice once in a while. I have a good sense of humor. I smile and laugh all the time.
Weaknesses: I have little patience for ignorance, trouble expressing my thoughts, and I'm easily distracted. I use stereotypes in my jokes a little too much.
Hobbies: Playing any sports, watching TV, going out anywhere but home.
Favorite Color: Any neon color and any variation of blue.
What is your favorite food?: Tso Chicken
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): Anywhere interesting in the world.
Mature or Childish?: Mature. Depends on the situation.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: Leader. I hate to just be there. I like to be noticed.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: Finland because he is the most friendliest and outspoken person. He's always doing something interesting and does what he wants.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: Not really.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Hamburgers
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Denmark
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: The Omen
How about a favorite ship/couple?: Austria and Hungary
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: Yes, I do believe.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: I take the enemy head-on with full force, but I at least put some thought in it before I do.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Book, knife, bunch of fruit.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: Well, I have wavy black hair, dark skin, a semi big nose, an athletic body, and a big head.
Any final words?: Ummm, nah.
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
3Oh, can I see your vital regions?: Ummm. I'm not sure about that...?