It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Eru (for friends)
Gender: female
What do you LOVE?: music, books, ff, films (prefer sad ends and melancholy,but since Godchild I like comedy as well), history, taking photos, traveling, talking with people, listen to people that know something, so I could say studying or knowledge?, nature, I also love animals (now I don't have any, I'm allergic, so they are at our grandma's house),money,magic - everything mystery, rituals, astrology, cards, snuggling,...Food, sleeping in warm and big bed,wine and yaoi/slash are important to me too :)
And what do you HATE?: arrogant people, people who don't have any clue and still thinks that they are "right", being ignored by people I love, everything that I "must", lack of freedom, animal abuse,sports(that is something not for me) and pretty soon I will start hate my birthday too.
Strengths:strong will, do almost anything to achieve my goal, knows a lot about history, honest, friendly, gentle and sprightly, listen to others (like when they have problems)...put it simply,I am gentle and friendly,but when someone makes me mad...that is different story...caring and protective about something I love
Weaknesses: strong will too, because when I want something, I can be really diligent, I do almost anything to achieve my goal-even lie, stop being lazy, be cruel etc... but when I see that I cannot get it, that this is something not for me,then I can give up...than lazy(work,clearing,study), chaotic, when mad - really cruel,hysterical, evil...and I don't deal with problems right now, I still wait and wait and wait...but still, I can deal with problems when there is no time,there are not much chances and I still can do it, that is pretty awesome,right? And I don't cook well, I am not really patient
Hobbies: music (everything - listen,sing, gigs,I used to play,but not nowadays), reading, going to cinema, going to theater, taking photos, traveling (I really love to travel,since childhood,tooo bad that I don't have money, so I often go just by foot), be with friends (but sometimes I really like and need to be alone)
Favorite Color: all colors...but well,blue
What is your favorite food?: all food that someone made for me : ) but I love Italian kitchen (pizza,my favorite,omnomnomn) and Czech kitchen (dumplings with cabbage and duck,omnomnomn)
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): without Hetalia? Russia and Italy. Cant decide. Russia - there are so many wonderful things, music, language, culture, history, I love Russian authors...but I don't want to live there.Italy - I could live there...really - arts,culture,history,food...
Mature or Childish?: That is hard...All people get crazy ideas in their mind. but when someone is mature, he thinks before he says/do that crazy idea...That means I am not mature.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: lead,probably
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: Hehehe, Prussia. Everything, that voice, how he behaves - seriously,west needs someone as him, he is strong, self-confident - that is what I really like in guys, love his willpower, that he is still alive and laugh - seriously, his past is really sad, but he still goes he tease Austria,Hungary and everyone - you cant get ever bored.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: That with Spain and France...Spain didn't even noticed what France is doing! I laughed so hard. And that with little!Prussia and little!Hungary,that Hungary's blues - "Do you have a penis?" "Of course!" LOL
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Tea, of course :D
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Pirate!England and conquistador!Spain, Prussia and Germany in their Nazi uniforms are hot too (nosebleed)
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: Adams æbler - Adam’s Apples - not a horror, but I was really moved by it and scared
How about a favorite ship/couple?: Germancest - win, then...Prussia/Italy (nobody can tell me that Prussia fells nothing for little Feli, I know there is something...), then...Prussia/Spain/France - friends or maybe more? (Prussia/Spain, France/Spain), Spain/England (conquistadorXpirate), Austria/Hungary, Prussia/Old Fritz
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: yes, totally
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: tactic,take full force is not so good how it sounds
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items?: Chmmm, wine or beer, few friends and sailboat, so we can get away
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one: If you watched VK, my friend says that I look like Rima
Any final words?: "I used to think about one day, just not telling anyone, and going off to some random place. And I'd just... disappear. And they'd never see me again. Did you ever think about stuff like that? You know what we should do? We should just get in your car right now, and just drive off, just the two of us. Find some totally different place and start a whole new life. Fuck everybody." Ghost world
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click Oh, can I see your vital regions?: *crosses arms and legs* You wish