It's All About YOU
Name or Nickname: Sierra
Gender: Female
What do you LOVE?: I love music and the arts. I like people who work to improve their skills, situations, and the people around them. I have a fondness for animals and for weather that is generally considered gloomy (if it’s cold and rainy I love it). I love finding a good story or art piece.
And what do you HATE?: I hate people who don’t care about improving themselves or about anything around them. I hate people who are overconfident when they have no legit reason to be. I hate people who recognize and complain about problems, but don’t do anything to fix them. I can’t stand people who are close-minded towards everything and people who try to shove what they believe down the throats of everyone they meet when they don’t know much about the belief themselves. I hate candy (though I love cake).
Strengths: I’m loyal. I’m good at reading people. I often make observations that other people don’t notice. I’m good at collecting information and remembering it. I’m generally open-minded towards things. I can see from the perspective of other people quite well. I'm good at thinking outside of the box and improvising. I know how to play to my strengths. I'm brutally honest. While I'm not happy with it, I can stand being alone for long periods of time. I'm good with animals and know a good deal about their behaviors. I have a lot of information mentally stored for my use. I can easily recognize the strengths and weaknesses of both myself and most others. I have the habit of adopting a mask when I'm around other people, which helps protect me from people who would be able to see and abuse my weaknesses.
Weaknesses: I am seen as intimidating by most people. I have the habit of adopting a mask when I'm around other people, thus creating an expectation for me to keep that mask on at all times around those people. Those who are older than me generally write everything I say off as teenage drama or exaggeration and say I’m too young to know anything, no matter how long I’ve studied it. Those who are my age or younger generally either don’t care to talk about the things I’m interested in or are too close-minded to listen to what I say. I have trouble enjoying things instead of taking them seriously. My family's personal description of my cooking skills are something like 'She could put something in a blender and it will come out black and charred'. While I try to stay peaceful, I sometimes lose myself to more violent tendencies. I'm awkward around people and often speak or type in a manner that seems overly formal. Instead of enjoying what I have done I focus on what could’ve and should’ve been done better. I’m usually seen by others as manipulative, cynical, arrogant, or other such terms. I’ve been hurt enough that I have trouble trusting people. All of these make it hard to keep a relationship (platonic or otherwise) and as such I often spend time locked in my room alone with only my pets as company. Even when I do go out, I have trouble relating with people. It just gets lonely.
Hobbies: Listening to music, anime, drawing, writing, studying, working with animals, playing keyboards (piano or chromatic percussion, generally marimba)
Favorite Color: Darker tones of almost any color, grey.
What is your favorite food?: Steak, Pasta, Mashed potatoes
Favorite Country (without taking Hetalia into consideration): England, Austria, or Germany
Mature or Childish?: I consider myself mature. I have my childish moments and occasional nostalgic moments, but when the time comes to take things seriously I know what to do.
Would you prefer to lead or follow?: It depends on the situation. If I am confident in my abilities and knowledge, I would prefer to lead. I know I can handle the responsibilities and even if it means acting like someone different, I will do everything I think is right to make the group shine wheather they hate me for it or not. If there is a good leader already, I will follow and contribute in every way I can.
Let's Talk HETALIA
Favorite Character and WHY: I’d have to say my favorite character is Prussia. While he’s arrogant, there are a lot of other attributes he has that other people don’t seem to notice. He’s very loyal and respectful to the people who helped to make him who he is, especially Old Fritz. It really gets to me how in his Marukaite Chikyuu he asks Old Fritz to watch over him even though he was always fighting, something that the leader had disapproved of. He cries over something that I, and I’m sure many other people, can relate to: loneliness. Even if he’s doing it while telling himself that being alone is awesome and that he only needs himself. While he baits Austria, it seems more like he both wants attention and is trying to get Austria to relax. He teases Hungary, but he, at the least, admires her. He seems almost like a third wheel to them, like he is trying to be friends but doesn’t quite know how to go about it. He seems to try to be friends with the other characters (He even talks to Russia in some of the CD dramas without excessive malice, though he probably holds a grudge) but most of them seem to ignore him or dislike him. His love for cute things is also rather endearing. All in all he’s just a character I often see overlooked and can really relate to.
Is there a certain strip that really sticks out for you?: The Cleaning of the Storage was always one of my favorites, though I enjoy all of them.
Hamburgers or Tea OR MAPLE SYRUP?: Tea, though I do have the strange habit of usually adding maple syrup to it. Think what you may, but it tastes quite good.
Who dresses the best in the series? ♥: Hmm. I suppose I would have to say Russia. I’m not a huge fan of the character, but I do love his coat.
America/Alfred wants to watch a scary movie! Which one would you pick?: Must I? I’m not a big fan of horror movies, or any movies for that matter, nor do I see the point in watching him scare the living daylights out of himself over nothing. Actually if I had to spend time with my dear fatherland, my patience would probably wear very quickly.
How about a favorite ship/couple?: I enjoy looking at the relationships of all of the characters, but I tend to favor pairings with England or Prussia along with a little Spamono and Chibitalia/HRE thrown in.
Do you believe in spirits or ghosts?: I do in more of a mental or, for lack of a better word, spiritual way rather than a physical one. When it comes to the supernatural so long as some people believe it exists or tells the tales of it, it survives and influences the world in some way, as with anything that was once alive and now dead.
You're at war! Do you take the enemy head-on with full force or lay back and take time to tactically move your forces?: I would lay back and move tactically. Every enemy has a weakness. It’s just a matter of finding that and keeping sight of my own. The goal is to have as few causalities as possible while achieving whatever the goal of the campaign is; going against the enemy with brute force will not assure me either of those things.
You have to be transported to a deserted island! Oh no! You're allowed to take three items; what are these items? If there are no restrictions, then a good boat, someone who can sail the boat, and my iPod with a full charge. If there are restrictions, then some type of keyboard, my collection of sheet music, and a quality survival knife.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one : It’s somewhat old and rather small, but it’s the only photo of me I have on my computer. I actually wear glasses now and my eyes are blue, since you can’t really tell from the photo.
Any final words?: I don’t have anything of major importance to post, though I feel I may have screwed up the coding. (EDIT: I was correct. I had to come back and fix it.)
Would you be so kind as to link those surveys you voted on before posting this?:
Was that not a requirement anyhow? Oh, can I see your vital regions?: No you may not. If you are that desperate for such material then I am sure you will be able to find something considering that to be reading this you must be on the internet.