Name: Jess
Gender: Femme
Stamped As: Reg app: Canada, Lovechild mirror: Hungary/Seychelles, Best Friend: Spain
Introverted or Extroverted?: I would have the tendency to be very introverted and shy when I'm alone. Let's say I'm in a class where I didn't know anyone; it would be very difficult for me to try to talk and make friends with other people. I seem very extroverted when I'm with friends ,and I find myself very social and talking to people I don't usually talk to.
Rational or Emotional?: I would say I'm a fairly rational person when it comes to most things
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic
Dominant or Submissive?: Dominant xD....I had this habit of carrying my boyfriend bridal style to his classrooms very so often (very strange looking for a 5'2 girl carrying around a 5'7 guy but it was fun). We have this inside joke that if we ever got married then I would probably the husband. lol
Large Groups or Small Groups?: Large groups
Cautious or Impulsive?: Cautious
Pet Peeves: Burping, extremely cynical or sarcastic individuals, people who take things too personally
Which traits would you want in a partner?:
I think I would be into someone who has their own off-beat sense of humour like myself. I would someone who comes up with creative things to show or do, if not every day, quite often. Someone to jam along to my guitar playing is very much welcomed, or if they don't perhaps they'd be inclined to learn?
Which traits wouldn't you want in a partner?:
To be very blunt, I don't want someone who's an asshole. I really dislike people who make fun of people for their physical appearance/emotional situation etc. Also, it's alright to have be cocky or arrogant once in awhile or as joke, but having an attitude like that 24/7 I may want to punch that person in the face.
Dominant or submissive?:
My partner will submit every time I tell them too :I (jkjk...guys)
I can be very firm if I want to do something, but since I value my partner's feelings I'd be willing to make a compromise
Introverted or extroverted? doesn't matter.
Romantic or like a 'best friend'? Why can't it be both? You can have fun and act stupid with them just like best friends and have some romantic moments just like a lover . Pretty good combination if you ask me.
Would you rather have a fast-paced relationship, or take things slowly?:
In a real life, I would take things slowly. Develop feelings overtime sort of thing. I think this is probably because I don't take relationships too lightly.
An ideal date?:
It would probably have to do something with outside
Two possible scenarios are:
-Taking a hike through a scenic forest and going swimming afterwards
-Walking the streets at night looking at the stars, then slow dancing in the park to soft music.
Links to Three Applications: it matter which gender your 'partner' is?: If there are no guys that fit...go ahead and pick a girl
Anything Else?: Meow~