Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Tricks
OOC Journal:
parametricUnder 18? No
Email/IM: / fail hero @ AIM
Characters Played at Singularity: none
Character Information ;
Name: Sollux Captor
Name of Canon: Homestuck
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon
MS Paint Adventures. Sollux doesn’t really play a huge role until Act 5, which begins
Also, his page on the
MSPA wiki is helpful.
Canon Point: act 5, act 2 beginning, see
Rainbow Rumpus Partytown shenanigans for a more specific place. As Homestuck’s timeline is what is commonly referred to as snook-a-loopy, though, this really only gives a vague idea of where we are and indeed where we will be at some random point in the future when more canon is provided. Who knows. :V
Welcome to Alternia! Please enjoy your stay, and try not to die. No, seriously, good luck with that, even the native trolls tend to die in droves here despite being generally tougher than the average human. Basically you’re pretty much screwed. But hey, let’s not worry about that! Instead let’s talk about trolls, they’re fascinating. And weird.
A troll’s life begins when two trolls love each other very much. Or hate each other very much! Troll romance, you see, is very complicated and split into four quadrants, two of which are sexual and two of which are platonic and meant to keep everyone from killing each other. For simplicity’s sake we’ll just dwell on the sex. So, when two trolls intensely love or hate each other, they put their genetic material into the corresponding filial pail when the imperial drone comes around to collect. If they don’t, they are immediately culled for failing to fulfill their civic duty.
Trolls sure are weird! c:
After that, the filial pails are given to a mother grub back on Alternia, who whips the genetic material up into an incestuous slurry and then produces a bunch of eggs that hatch into troll larvae. The larvae then crawl up to whatever stalactite they like and make themselves comfy cocoons to sleep in while they metamorphose. Eventually they hatch! And from that moment on, their absolute hell begins. See, the first stage of a troll’s life is known as the “trials,” and for good reason. Little baby trolls are pretty much defenseless, so they have to survive long enough for a lusus - a wild Alternian animal moonlighting as a guardian for juvenile trolls and also sort of a pet - to come across them. At that point the lusus will slaughter all the baby trolls and adopt whichever one survives, whose little baby friends it just murdered.
Trolls sure are weird.
The baby troll then enters its childhood and adolescence. Once it’s been adopted, the troll child chooses whichever location and design it wants for its new home or “hive,” which will then be built accordingly. During this stage of its life the troll develops the relationships and survival skills it will need in adulthood. Most of these new friends will probably die too! Hell, the troll child in question probably will, for that matter. Alternia is a harsh planet, trolls are a violent species, troll children are excessively fond of “extreme roleplaying” that often results in death, and cullings are common and half the time even completely arbitrary. But hey, the survivors will be pretty kickass! There’s also a caste system based mostly around blood color and involving whether you live on land or in sea, but much like troll romance, it’s rather complicated to get into. However, those on the lower end of the “hemospectrum” are weaker and have more psychic vulnerability, which may also explain why more of the lowbloods (Sollux, Aradia, Tavros) also seem to get cool psychic shit at a higher rate than the highbloods (pretty much just Vriska). But hey, we only know about twelve trolls out of billions, so who even knows about demographic psychic breakdown? Anyway, in this fashion a young troll will grow up, hopefully not die, and eventually go off to be useful to troll society by conquering other ones on other planets, and the cycle begins all over again. And in case you’re wondering, no, there are no adults on Alternia, they’re all off conquering. All the time.
Trolls. Sure. Are. WEIRD.
But hey, enough about trolls, fuck Alternia! Let’s talk about Skaia. See, Alternia and its universe very happily existed up until Sollux adapted a game from ancient weird technology to play with his friends, which of course must be an excellent idea any way you look at it. Sollux thought, due to his visions (more on that later), that this game - now called Sgrub - was going to save the universe but destroy the players, in a very heroic sacrifice. So when it turned out to unexpectedly be the opposite way around, imagine his surprise and, indeed, his horror.
So while Alternia was busy being destroyed, Sollux and his eleven friends were transported to a new sort of in-between universe called Skaia. It is very complicated. “Skaia” itself is also the great big planet-sun-thing in the sky that is the ultimate destination for the players and the arena of their final battle. The players run around various “lands,” one for each player, contained in a place called the Medium, where they spend a lot of time gaining ALL THE LEVELS and going through teleporting gates until they get to Skaia. ...Or, for some, just running around on pointless sidequests for a while.
Then there are two other worlds that come into play while the players sleep, and also function as a repository for extra “lives.” (You only get one. Unless you’re Sollux because he is a bifurcated freak of nature in every way, more on that later.) Half the players go to the “light” planet of Prospit, orbiting close to Skaia, and the other half to the “dark” planet Derse, which orbits far out and beyond a belt of asteroids called the Veil. The members of the struggle that produces the players’ final bosses also come from these two planets, but that’s not terribly important. The point is that the function of Prospit and Derse is to act as a kind of in-game guide for players so they know what to do next. On Prospit this assistance comes in the form of visions in the clouds; on Derse the players will hear the advice whispered by the Gods of the Furthest Ring. It is all very abstract and confusing, but Sgrub and its sundry other versions are just weird like that! In the end, the main purpose of all this rigmarole is to prepare the players for and get them to the final boss, where they will then get to have the next universe being born as their plaything should they succeed. Which the trolls do.
Or rather, they should have.
You can stop thinking about Skaia now! Because now the game is over and the only thing really left is the Veil where they are currently living. Which won’t be there for long because, did I mention, the asteroids it is made of are actually meteors which are sent out and transported to destroy everything in the dying universe. You see, something happened to the trolls’ game that fucked it up. A glitch, if you will. A scratch.
They were going to save their universe. Then they were going to enter a new universe as gods. They won their game and yet they did neither. Now they are hiding in the Veil and waiting to die.
This is Sollux’s life.
Fuck. Sollux’s. Life.
And we haven’t even gotten into his details yet!
Sollux is...complicated. Extremely complicated, and with good reason. On the surface he seems to be a very chill guy with awesome hacking skills and a pair of sweet-ass shades, with a healthy side of being kind of a dick to people. He deals with others relatively calmly, with a few lazy insults thrown into the average conversation and an edge of “you’re kind of an idiot, but whatever.” Even the people he genuinely likes
get this treatment. On the other hand, that’s just Sollux - if he really doesn’t give a damn about you or just doesn’t like you, he probably just won’t talk to you. For example, when given the opportunity to talk to the human kids who created the “scratch” (you know, that thing that made the trolls’ game completely FUBAR) later in the timeline, he flat-out refuses and continues to do so every time the other trolls ask him about it. So yeah, he’d rather tease you if he likes you or ignore you if he doesn’t - sounds like a pretty together sort of guy, right?
Wrong. That calm exterior is only his outward personality. On the inside, Sollux has...issues. Lots of them. During his first conversations in Hivebent it becomes abundantly clear that despite his calm demeanor he’s actually very sensitive and emotional. Karkat even bitches about how Sollux tends to get upset about certain things in their very first conversation, which admittedly Karkat is wont to do anyway. Related to his “bifurcated” theme, Sollux also tends to have intense mood swings, becoming sad, angry, depressed or overconfident by turns, and when his friends try to talk to him about it he gets very sensitive and asks to avoid the subject, which he says he’s been working on. Despite his aloof manner, he also cares about others deeply - not only is he willing to get himself and his friends killed to save Alternia despite displaying a deep resentment of how troll society works, but he even puts the importance of his own life to save their princess, though they’ve never met before, and is willing to die in agony as a result. He might act like a distant, uninterested asshole, but Sollux has a lot of emotions boiling under the surface, and they mess about with his life quite a bit.
Why such a mess of emotions, though? Upon peeling back another layer - Solluxes are like onions! - we discover another mess that makes Sollux’s life hell, and in fact even affects his grip on his sanity. See, Sollux has mind powers. Scary mind powers. And as a result of this, he hears the voices of the dead and imminently deceased, as well as having horrible visions and nightmares that not even sopor slime can ease entirely (it’s a troll thing). This understandably makes him prone to occasionally flipping his shit. His psionic freakouts are bad, too, really bad, like leveling surrounding architecture bad. Add to this the fact that one of the other Sgrub players previously took control of his mind and forced him to murder his presumably then-girlfriend Aradia with his powers (...she got better, kind of) and...well. Suddenly his fit of rage when one of the other characters attempts to communicate with him in his mind becomes quite a lot more understandable.
So, when viewed in the context of his crazy psychic freakouts, a lot about Sollux becomes clear. He’s irritable and a bit of an ass because he has these voices and powers pestering him in his head all the time and wearing down his patience with everything else; he tends to act calm-natured because he wants to keep his emotions and thus his tendency towards psionic destruction under wraps. Maybe without all that he’d be more open about himself, who knows.
Buuuut despite this soft fluffy interior, at some point even Sollux has to give up, and at his current canon point that time seems to have come. After the trolls escape to the Veil he seems to have become very cynical and more unhappy than before. Kanaya comments at one point that he doesn’t even like to talk to the others anymore, let alone tease them. But then, after failing to save your world, dying twice, being blinded, failing to win a game for your lives and the next universe by glitch, and waiting for death with all your friends in the middle of bumfuck nowhere space, who wouldn’t get a bit depressed? Especially if you think all of it is your fault. Which he does.
It’s okay, he’ll get better. We hope.
Abilities and Weaknesses: Sollux is a high level psionic, otherwise known as he can do freaky psychic shit with his brain. He is capable of some seriously badass telekinetic stuff, has visions of the future, and can use eye mind lasers so strong they can match a legendary Alternian beam gun in force. Obviously this will be toned down a lot. Like the mind lasers just cause severe agony instead of legendary-weapon-halting explosions. Stuff like that. Anyway, aside from that he’s also extremely intelligent and has a proficiency with hacking and technology that is just about unreal. He knows all the codes, ALL OF THEM, but that’s only the beginning. This boy’s viruses don’t just mess up the victim’s computer’s functions, they make the whole damn machine EXPLODE. Oh, and they curse everyone the victim knows or will meet too as an added bonus. Sollux can set up communication lines across time and even across universes, the boy knows his shit far, far beyond the impossible, okay? In addition to this he seems to have a severe pain tolerance, considering that he deals with constant migraines and even manages to focus on playing a game to save another person’s life while basically having his mind raped to death by an eldritch horror and also bleeding out of every orifice as a result. Nasty stuff.
That aside he does also have several quite glaring weaknesses. As a high level psionic and the world’s ultimate nerd, Sollux has literally no physical strength or skills to speak of - why would he need them? Take away his mind abilities and his computers and he’s pretty helpless to defend himself. The freaky psychic stuff also has another unwelcome “perk” to it in that it has pretty nearly driven Sollux insane. He hears the voices of everything that ever has died or will die in his head (not the same as mind reading!) and has horrific nightmares and visions in addition to the incredible, constant headaches already mentioned. As previously mentioned, this makes him prone to the occasional flip the fuck out episode. Basically just about all the cool stuff he can do also makes his life hell at the same time. Oh, and to add insult to injury, he’s been blinded during his time in Sgrub. Now he gets around by psionic-sensing stuff and “seeing” that way. Really, take away his psychic abilities and the boy is crippled.
But hey, it’s all good, because he can telekinetically rocket off into space with a PCHOOOOO sound and everything. YES. FUCK YES. HELL FUCKING YES.
One (1) pair of supremely awesome bifurcated shades
Two (2) changes of clothes
One (1) sylladex, encryption modus (this is basically a kind of hammerspace storage unit thing, cleared it with Lainie)
Ten (10) captchalogue cards, to be used in conjunction with the sylladex
One (1) recuperacoon, filled with sopor slime and stored in the sylladex (this is a troll bed, which is the only thing that soothes their nightmares; also cleared with Lainie)
Appearance: Sollux is of slight build and no muscle to speak of, as always the awkward nerd. Like most other trolls, Sollux opts for simple gray pants and a black t-shirt with his symbol (Gemini) printed on it in the same mustard yellow as his blood color - fashion is stupid. Also like most other trolls, he has gray skin, black hair and a set of yellow-orange horns sprouting from the top of his head. However, most other trolls aren’t bifurcated in every other way. Sollux has two of everything - two pairs of horns, two mismatching black and white shoes, two colors of eyes, two extra lives in Sgrub. (Fandom likes to say he has two of certain other parts of his anatomy too.) To match his completely red and blue eyes, he has bicolored shades in the same color, presumably because they look awesome and keep him from accidentally eye-lasering things.
Age: Six solar sweeps by Alternian reckoning. Works out to about thirteen Earth years.
Samples ;
Log Sample:
This thread is a slight AU, but it still showcases Sollux’s typing style (which will be his primary method of communication), lisping speech, inner thought process, personality, and interactions. Permission obtained from Lainie for this.
Network Sample:
you know, thii2 probably ii2nt even the weiirde2t thiing that2 happened two me. ii could do wiithout the falliing debrii2 out of nowhere, but whatever.
ii ju2t want two know a way out of here. preferably two 2omewhere iim a biit le22 liikely two get my head ba2hed iin from above. anything el2e come2 after avoiidiing the “rock2 fall, ta diie2” thiing. 2o iif anyone could help out wiith that, great, iif not fuck off.
oh, and blue team? red team? raiinbow rumpu2 partytown, whatever 2tupiid name were u2iing now, ii dont care. ju2t 2ound off iif youre here, okay.