So, it's been about six months, roughly, since I last posted.
I really ought to update more frequently, sadly I updated Facebook more often, and unlike LiveJournal, I don't really like Facebook. No, I've been seduced by the ADHD's dream social site, Twitter. With a side order of Google Wave. I have invites if you want.
And so to make a certain Bahu smile, even slightly, I have re-re-returned here and will try to post more frequently. Try being the key operative word.
Yesterday was a good day. A fun day. And a bit tiring too.
I slept in... reaaaally slept in, til 9 am. Haven't done that in ages, having gotten up at 5 am every day for the past ten years, I really have to work at staying up fairly late in order to get my body to sleep in. With my upstairs housemates having moved out, and so the upstairs is empty, it's a lot quieter. And for some reason my room mate down here wasn't playing video games to all hours. So I slept undisturbed. Woot!
Have any of you folks, who still read this journal heh, tried out Borderlands yet? It's an effing fantastic shooter, part FPS, part loot-fest like Diablo/DiabloII, and has an engaging storyline. You can play solo, or with up to three friends, in completing the main quest and many side quests. Though, just so you know, the game is mainly about guns. There are something like 20 million different guns, which the game randomly generates whenever you kill a bad guy or open one of the many chests. Some bad guys will go down faster with certain guns: some guns will light people on fire; some guns will jolt bad guys and knock down their shields; some guns will melt people's faces off with acid; and some will simply explode bad guys into small, chunky salsa. It's probably not everyone's cup of tea, but it's damn fun and damn funny. The humor is dark at times, but should elicit much chuckling. And that's the game I played for three or four hours yesterday.
At 2 pm I set out for a friend's place, they were having a combination house-warming party and Easter Egg hunt. Myself and my room mate arrived there 20 minutes later and we were early, and volunteered to help set things up. I spent a good 1.5 hours sweeping out the tennis court, which the kids spent many hours playing ball in and running around it like it was Nascar. And there were many kids, at least ten of varying ages, who conspired to make me a roving jungle gym. I spent most of my time running. :P Stopping to stuff snacks into my face before taking off once again.
We then conspired to trick all the younger kids into being shut into the tennis court, it's surrounding by conifers so you can hardly see what's going on inside, or outside if you're in it. Our goal with giving out chocolate was to ration it. Letting 10+ kids absorbing loads of sugar and
Theobromine and then setting them loose on a bunch of adults is a recipe for disaster. No one really likes having to move tired and sleeping adults after having been worn down by their kids. :P
The party started to wind down around 7ish, and I left there with a few friends around 8:30 pm, and when we got home, I gave a friend the beta client for StarCraft II, which probably is going to ruin his home life, and academic life, if he starts playing too much. He, on the other hand, got revenge by showing me a way to completely destroy the game Demigod. :P Seriously, once you've set it up, you can speed up the game and walk away, and after about an hour, you can come back and your character will still be there, slaying things by the hundreds. My friend Mark is good that way, figuring out the minutiae of games with a methodical precision that still baffles me to this day, some 23 years on.
At about midnight, I rolled into bed and slept til 10 am today.
It was a good start to the long weekend that is Easter. :)