So I've gotten myself back into a tabletop D&D game, 4th edition of course. It's fun so far, but the past four weeks have been a bust, the DM having begged off three times in a row, and this past weekend was Easter and I, and other players, had family and friend obligations to meet.
I'm irked, not by what the DM said, but by what I /think/ the DM was actually doing. Mostly cause I'm hearing things from other folks and such. Not sure what to think, meh.
It has got me to thinking about running my own tabletop game. Just not sure how many folks around have the time to play and such. I'll be playing it by ear perhaps...
Over on, I am playing in two D&D games. Tis a nice, relaxed pace, ten minutes tops per game, for each turn. Maybe here I can run a game, but I face the same issue, near total strangers as players and you never know what you're gonna get.
I'm having a blast, pun intended, playing my wizard, though he's in a bit of a scrape right now. Wizards don't do well in open areas when the baddies can get to them. However, the bad guys pay deeply when they bunch up together, for wizards are kings of area of effect. And he doesn't even have fireball yet. But soon, very soon. :D
My other characeter is just starting out, a dragonborn monk. Monks use the psionic power in 4e, and while you might find it a bit odd, I think it is fitting. I can't wait to get out there and start kicking butt... literally.
And despite the misconception that D&D doesn't encourage or permit roleplaying, the two games have been awesome in the roleplay department. People are playing interesting and ... eclectic characters. And are staying in character too. But play-by-post tends to encourage that a lot more, you have threads for OOC and threads for IC. And rarely the twain meet.
My wizard might like fire a bit too much, however he's not the sort of person to just cause destruction for no reason at all. The party had set out to find out where groups of goblins and orcs were raiding our town from. The initial intention was to rub them all out, until my character brought up the fact that this might be a permanent camp with non-combatants, and that it would reflect most poorly on ourselves to turn into creatures no better than the orcs and goblins. This lead to a rather pregnant pause as people's brains shifted gears.
Currently the party is fighting for it's life, as we have found that while there are many goblins, it is the many orcs that are our concern. The goblins appear to be waiting to see who wins. Could get ... sticky.
Anyone else playing D&D or other RPGs currently?