
Jan 14, 2003 14:05

*voice transmission received*

"Hey Tag! I gots one 'ell of a letter offa Bidgete - why'd ya say that to 'er? Pi le dastins, amies! If she'd sent ter voice with it, I mighta lost an ear. Ya owe me, alls I got to say, I wouldn't tell 'er what it meant and yer a damned lucky man I didn't. Got yer letter too, least the last one before'n ya hit Thera, and nothin' since 'cept to know from Bidgete yer breathin' but barely. Buck up man, we heal faster'n that, two fights er no. Yer gettin' weak in yer old age. Or somethin' else make ye soft. Ye ain't gotta type to me, numbskull, ye just record onta this thing and send it normal. Say it in our tongue if'n ye got somethin' sensitive te say. érivec mi beinôt, Heut."

"Harrick, you should've told her what it meant. I don't love her, and never have, and she's got this extraordinary ability to not see it. I don't care what her trust fund includes, I am not packaged with it. Perhaps if she left me alone she would see you're the better man for her. You've been pining for years. I can admit this to you, at least, without worrying about you thinking me strange - I fought for a crewmate of mine, Championed him against a former first mate of his, a pirate no less! I won, naturally, just with my fists. Before you start talking about my metal one it would serve you well to know that I hardly hit him at all with it until the end. Fair is fair. He drew a knife on me - the man hadn't a lick of honor Harrick, and it is truly disheartening to see.

"I had no idea these things sent voice messages. How absolutely splendid. I had barely begun healing from the first fight when I got sidetracked by another trip to the hospital for the same crewmate mentioned earlier, and then found myself once again accosted, this time by a naked woman of not inconsiderable ability. Lucky for my body and soul I was tended to by a nurse of our own cut, and she has healed my wounds properly.

"You asked after two things in your last letter, Harrick, and as you are my brother by soul, I must answer, though it pains me to say. Yes, I am in love, and no, it is not a woman. My Toile, he is not even human. You once said that the Fates toy with me like a top on a thread, and it seems that your words still ring true. I could have never thought it possible, but here I am. Quite at a loss on how to proceed, but I will learn as I go, I suppose, as I always do. For your second question, yes, this is a ship of fools. They fight, they argue, they seem to have no ability to tell just where a rule's breaking point is. My captain, Flint, is a kind man, too kind, really, and I have come to fear that I am the only First Mate for him. I am not a cruel man, but I am not a nice one, either. I pray that I've never to do to my Toile what I had to once do to you. He already owes me one life for being his Champion, I would never want him to owe me another. I have taken the debt of the woman who attacked me as well - she is very much your type, Harrick. Like Bidgete, only she hits harder.

"I shall describe my crew mates as well as I am able. My Toile, Shin-sin-fa, he is a catman with a singular ability to get himself beaten up. James is a former prostitute (I assume former. It is not like our world, where such a thing is a life long commitment of servitude) who seems to look at me like I'm more than just an officer. As if I am a hero. Disconcerting. Otto is a man who you would say is nearly as pretty as me. He is a hard worker, and truth be told I find no fault with the man. Argus is like the captain, kind, which is not surprising considering they are old friends. He is a steadfast man. Ignatious, our helmsman, is hot tempered and prone to suspicion. I don't like him, and even though he has been found clear of any wrong doing in connection with the destruction of his last ship, I do not trust him. He has too little control over himself. Anthony, the Gloor I told you of, is still as nice as ever. Of those on this ship, I am beginning to think he is the only one who is sane. The women aboard this ship are as strange as ever. We've gotten a new one, a Miss 'Harpy' who is nothing like the mythology. She seems rather nice. But she IS an older woman.

"I have gone on too long now, so I shall end this and let you reply. Feel free to speak Common - I do not play my messages where others can hear. The light of the Tapestry shelter and keep you, brother."

"Vos daviez bouc et'pa seaz por l'dire vec, Heut ist mein Tag. I never figured ye to fancy men, but I guess that's just cause yer not all that strange te me. Me last shipmates made fun 'o my ribbons, of all the stupid things. Fightin' with needles ain't looked too kindly upon, neither. Nevermind people on our planet knows how te knit.

"Glad to know ye got yerself someone though. He seen yer scars? It's not fair if he hadn't. Next time yer in Montressor look me up - I'm on a bit 'o walk about right now after me last ship."
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