Title: Black Bird
Author: Hevyyd
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: none
Warnings: violence, mentions of non-con
Word Count: 4,474
Summary: The contunuing adventures of Bobby, Dean, and Castiel in my henceforth titled Baku-Verse. The easy peace following Deans abduction is shattered when a fallen angel named Sachiel attacks, nearly killing
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Comments 4
Anyway, millionth time lucky, here's my comment (fingers crossed)...
Awww, so Dean is still in there somewhere. Does that mean he will remember everything eventually? Even if he does, his experiences as Dean 2.0 will have changed him somewhat.
Still, Dean to the rescue! And one thing about new Dean; he's much happier to tell Cas he loves him than old Dean would've been.
Laura. (sorry again)
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