[The phone is left on the floor on it's side as a tiny Kenzi snakes across the carpeted floor of a hallway, reaching out and making kissy noises to something just off camera.]
Toooooby! Toby, come! Come here! Toby, Toby come here!
[She hums softly, wiggling her fingers and lying on her belly. After some more coaxing, Molly's cat curiously
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Hey, Kenz? You okay, sweetie?
Bruce is Tony's loveguy. She can't tattle on him to Bruce!]
You and Tony got into a big fight, huh?
He hates me. We always fight.
[And then her bottom lip trembles and she squeezes her eyes shut]
He said he was gonna be the only one to play with Loki and Loki wouldn't need me anymore and it made my heart hurt.
I don't think he hates you. Tony spends a lot of time with robots; sometimes that makes people harder.
[She sets Toby down and sits on the ground, pouting.]
I do think he hates me.
Well, not the kid thing. That one's allowed to be weird.]
Don't you think Loki has more say in who he's friends with than Tony? You should ask him. Then you'll know. You were here first, so you and Loki can be friends no matter what Tony wants.
Well, I'm still not convinced, and I've seen a lot of people hating a lot of other people. Tony just has a funny way of showing how much he likes people.
I can't ask him. He gets sad or mean. But I want to be friends with Loki always and Tony tries to ruin it! Loki is the best and no one even knows because they just think he's so mean and he's NOT mean. Tony is mean!
[She keeps pouting, but tilts her head at that last part.] I just want Tony to be safe and okay and happy but then he isn't nice to me anymore when I say that stuff.
Also, Loki is the best. [There he said it, public channel and all. He'd mainly been worried about Phil seeing it, but Phil's coming around now. Oh, also Tony, but fuck that. He's feeling rebellious and teenagery and he'll weasel out of that conversation if it happens or if it's uncomfortable.]
You think so, too? Really? Are you gonna be his friend, Bruce? If you're his friend, I can stop worrying so much and give him SPACE!
... Not space-space. I don't think he'd like that very much. Unless maybe he had a rocket ship instead of just floating!
I do think so, and I think we're friends. We haven't put a label on it yet. [Ha ha.] He showed me space -- he showed me a star. It was very cool.
BRUCE! This is the BEST THING ever! I didn't think you would and now you are and this is GREAT! He knows the best things and is so smart and old and stuff.
[She twirls around, hugging the phone to her chest.]
Well, I think so too. He's been taking good care of you, right?
[She smiles, eyes full of hope.] Even when we're big again?
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