Proof of the fact that these two boys have a bit of an outdoor gene that they have indulged in on a frequent basis over the years. Details of their career in living in the wild below.
Both Prewetts will answer comments to this post.
Six photographs:
"step 1 of the outdoor adventures: the beach at the bottom of the cliffs" Young twin boys wrestling on a beach.
"Step 2... We attempted to put up a tent. Without reading the instructions. All in all, it's surprising we got it do stand up. This took us four hours." A fairly screwed up but erect tent.
"step 3 of the outdoor adventures: after mishaps with tent, we chose the all-natural approach, which was only good for sunny weather" A sort of little shelter constructed out of branches, twigs and leaves.
"Step 4 Fire! Luckily the neighbourhood boys we went camping with understood the mystical inner-workings of matches." Two boys sitting / squatting before an outdoor fire.
"step 5 of the outdoor adventures: having mastered tents and fires we could finally concentrate on finding the nice spots of Dyfed" Small group of tents on the bank of a beautiful little stream in Wales.
"Step 6! There wasn't a single drop of rain to ruin our trip either." Black-and-white cooking over an open fire.