Challenge 58: Blending

Jan 31, 2009 12:39

Hi, everyone! This week's challenge will be a technical one. For this challenge, you will have to blend two or more pictures together. This can be either two (or more) images from Hex, or one Hex image and one stock image. Still not sure what exactly blending is?

You can blend two separate images together:

You can blend an image from the show with a stock image:

Or you can blend several images together with a stock image (I seem to like clouds):

The rules are simple:
+ You can enter up to four icons (each icon from a different image is preferred, but not mandatory)
+ You may only use images provided.
+ LJ standards apply: max 100x100px, less than 40kb, .jpg, .png or .gif
+ Text, brushes, textures and stock images are allowed
+ Blending is allowed, animation is not
+ The icons must be made for the challenge and kept anonymous until it ends
+ Comment to this post with your icon and the URL
+ Icons are due by Saturday, February 14, 2009 by 10pm EST
+ This week's special category will be Best Composition.

Good luck, have fun, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

You still have about a day to enter Challenge 57 HERE!

challenge post, chllg: 58

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