Gretel minus Hansel, Red Riding Hood on her own-- Hanna Heller info post

Dec 31, 2014 10:45

Erik: Tell me again.
Hanna: Marissa Wiegler.
Erik: Then?
Hanna: Postcard.
Erik: Then?
Hanna: What?
Erik: The address where we meet?
Hanna: Wilhelm Grimm House, Stefan Straza two sixty one, one-o-five-five-nine, Wilhelm in Germany.
Erik: What else?
Hanna: Adapt or die.
Erik: Think on your feet.
Hanna: Even when I'm sleeping. (Hanna, 2011)

Hanna is a combination coming-of-age movie and spy thriller. Sort of as if the the lead for The Bourne Identity was a 16-year-old girl raised by her woodcutter/spy father in the sub-Arctic wilderness of Finland, on encyclopedias and fairy tales, then turned loose in Europe on a hitch-hiking trip.

Meet Hanna Heller:

Hanna just turned 16. She likes music, dancing, stories, new experiences, and probably you. She has genetic enhancements that make her stronger, faster, with superior senses and reflexes than most people have. Those enhancements were supposed to lower her ability to feel empathy and fear as well. But more of that can be put down to advanced training, and the account of this guy, her beloved (now deceased) papa, Erik:


Erik Heller schooled Hanna to be a soldier/spy/assassin since she was two years old, when they barely escaped from one of his old CIA buddies after the murder of Hanna's mom Johanna. (More on them later). He drilled her in hand-to-hand combat, archery, marksmanship, hunting, tracking, hiding, how to break someone's neck, at least six languages, and the contents of the World Book Encyclopedia (copyright 1996). He also kept them isolated from anyone else for 14 years, didn't have any music along, and eventually returned them to civilization when Hanna felt her training was complete. He was very recently murdered, taking out two other men at the time. Hanna got his murderer, this woman:

The Witch. Don't you love her hair?

Marissa Wiegler, CIA agent, very tough cookie, and killer of Hanna's mom (1996), Hanna's dad (2011) and Hanna's grandmother (2011). She was going to kill Hanna too-- she was the last evidence of that genetic super-soldier program that we mentioned, which was discontinued and all other participants terminated in 1994. Fortunately, Hanna was a little tougher and a little faster than Marissa.

Before all that got wrapped up in the last ten minutes of the movie, though, Hanna ran into these two (and their parents):

Sophie: Hey. Hello?
[Hanna doesn't reply]
Sophie: Don't you speak English? It's not your fault if you can't. M.I.A didn't speak English till she was eight, because she was like, a refugee or something from Sri Lanka. Now she's a pop star, in America too. But don't worry if you can't speak English yet.
Miles: Who's she?
Sophie: I found her. She can't speak English. She's from Sri Lanka.
Hanna: I'm from Germany.
Sophie: Oh.
Hanna: I live in Leipzig, population zero point seven million peoples. We live at number seven, Vicenza Platz. I like literature and sport, in particular tennis and athletics. I go to school at The Klaus College Gymnazium and my best friends are Rudy Gunter and Clara Scheitz.
Sophie: They sound fun.
Hanna: I also have dog called Trudy.
Miles: We had a dog called Vincent. He went mad and died.

.... which is pretty typical of them. They're hilarious. And she manages to hitchhike with them from Morocco to France. At which point she has to make a run for it on her own again. (No idea if they survived the movie. I hope so.)

And that is Hanna,, in a nutshell. Watch it on Amazon Video or order it from Netflix, if you get the chance.

So what should you know about Hanna? Despite killing at least half a dozen people in the recent past? She's a nice kid. Most of those were either self-defense, or well, what qualifies as self-defense in spy-world, probably. She's non-judgmental, curious, and you really shouldn't try to kiss her without warning, or she'll lay you out flat (over-trained reflexes being what they are.) She'd actually like to kiss someone! Just... not as a surprise.

She speaks perfect English with a slight German accent, is very bright, very strong, very fast, and very, very alone in the world, with absolutely zero knowledge of pop-culture. Or how to talk like a teenager. Or you know, a lot of things.

What's she doing here? Hiding, mostly. And trying to figure out what to do next.

Who's she played by? Saorise Ronan, who usually is allowed to be less blonde in her movies (and I may have to use icons of her with darker hair at some point in the future, since icons/pix of her from this movie are thin on the ground).

The latest updates on Kenzi, Dinah, M. Parker, and Chris will be going up momentarily.
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