borrowed this from my roommate cuz i like it

Feb 27, 2003 18:57

Girls are like apples on trees. The best apples are at the tops of those trees. Boys don't want to reach for those apples because they're afraid of falling and getting hurt. So the apples at the top of the tree think that there is something wrong with them, when in reality, they are amazing. This is why we just have to be a little patient. ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

ex_voideity541 February 27 2003, 20:02:04 UTC
DAMMIT. im one of those rotten apples at the bottom that boys keep slipping and falling on.


syrinis February 27 2003, 20:47:36 UTC
Not true - I had to climb a long ways to find you Joyce. And dont worry jinna - some people are more about the refined apples - why settle for the cheap ones when the really nice ones are just a few more branches up.


Re: ex_voideity541 February 27 2003, 21:20:36 UTC
jinna's like a fine cider ;] *porn music*


violentleehappy February 27 2003, 22:58:48 UTC
yer a good apple cuz everyone picks you risking hurt.
and god you do hurt
your always in a serious relationships like me.


stevedelaheb February 27 2003, 20:59:15 UTC
That's a good quote Jin Jin.... here's a philosophy in argument ( ... )


Re: hexumsgurl February 28 2003, 13:05:14 UTC
when did u get an lj?


LJ stevedelaheb February 28 2003, 16:50:09 UTC
Laurice hooked me up earlier this month after I came back here from California. She decided never to tell me about this thingamajig and never bothered to invite me... I found out when one of her friends asked me if I had read her journal lately... of course this came as a surprise... it bothered me at first... but I am over it and I asked her to get me one.. so she did and here I am. It's good to see yah Jin jin!


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