Feb 09, 2011 19:44
[Locked against those with pro-CLF sentiment; locked against those whose journals are being accessed by those with pro-CLF sentiment] [Locked against Barnams]
About three years ago, when I first came to Chicago, the city was being terrorized by a Neqa'el named Calisto. Her MO was simple: torment the wanderer population, as well as any angels, supernatural humans, and even demons who got in her way.
She wanted us to be afraid. She wanted to watch us panic.
Instead, our community came together. We formed bonds that did not break, and we weathered her. And soon enough, she fell.
The CLF has been trying to tear this city apart for a long time, now, and they haven't succeeded yet. They won't succeed - not so long as we stick together, watch out for each other.
There's no retreating from this place. They'd like us gone, but we know there's no way home. Home is where we make it, and we're making it here. We're making a stand. We weren't given a choice in this, and we're not going to back down.
The girl some of you may have seen on the journal networks earlier is safe. She's under Torchwood protection. And that protection is offered to whoever feels threatened.
Don't be afraid. We've faced, and defeated, worse than this.
btr | entry,
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