Random survey stolen from Nora and Jamie, thanks my loves!

Mar 04, 2005 01:53

* Who is your best?: Offline - Rennie and Andrew, Online - Jamie and Nora
* Who is the loudest?: Probably Andrew
* Who is the shyest?: LOL well.. Jamie can be pretty shy when she doesn't know somebody.. and Rennie is shy around girls that he likes.. so.. yeah.  LOL
* Who is the ‘hottest’?: They are ALL hot, they are MY friends.. they have to be.. a DUH LOL
* Who is the cutest?: They're all cute!
* Who laughs the most?: Probably Rennie.. he laughs mostly at me
* Who have you known the longest?: Rennie
* Who have you known the shortest?: Hmmm.. I believe it's Jamie.. yup, because I met Nora before I met Jamie.
* Do you belong to a crew?: I used to, but not anymore.
* Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: LOL that's all who I EVER hang out with.
* Do you consider yourself POPULAR?:  Of course.. and I'm gonna make YOU pop...u...LAR!! LA LAAAA LAAAAAAAAAA LAAA!! Sorry.. it's a Wicked thing..
* Do you trust your friends?: Yup
* Are you a good friend?: I am the BEST.. do not underestimate me LOL
* Can you keep a secret?: If you're my good friend, I definitely can.  If I don't like you, then probably not LOL
* What was the worst day of your life?: Hmm.. it was probably the day that my dog Missy died
* What is your most embarrassing story?: Too many to think of to just name one!
* What has been the best day of your life?: Probably my whole entire weekend in Albany when Rennie and I went to see Clay there.  August 8th specifically... LOL
* What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: How long is it until I see Wicked? LOL seriously.. that's what I think LOL

* Songs: Anything Clay Aiken, Idina Menzel, Wicked, or Phantom LOL
* Store: Any music store
* Relative: Probably my grandma and uncle Joey
* Sport: Baseball
* Vacation spot: I'd love to go to Hawaii
* Candy: Chewy Sprees
* Holiday: Christmas
* Day of the week: Saturday
* Colour: Baby Blue
* Magazine: Cosmopolitan is a good magazine LOL I dunno I don't really read them all that much
* Name for a girl: Isabella, Christine, Nicole
* Name for a boy: Nicholas

(Do you...?)
* Like to give hugs?: Sure
* Like to walk in the rain?: OMG I HATE TO WALK IN THE RAIN!!!!
* Sleep with or without clothes?: With
* Write in black or blue ink?: I go through phases LOL.. right now I write in school with blue ink and at home with black ink.. I'm weird.  I'll switch them from time to time too
* Dress up on halloween?: no
* Have a job?: Yup.. I sell cards and wrapping paper at Hallmark.. what a career, huh?  *rolls eyes* LOL
* Like to travel?: Oh definitely!
* Sleep on your side, stomach, or belly?: side
* Think you’re attractive?: Please.......no.
* Ever have the falling dream?: OMG yes.. and I hate it.  It really does like wake you up with a bang!
* Have stuffed animals?: Yup!
* Go on vacation?: Yup

(This or that?)
* Pierced nose or tongue?: Neither..
* Be serious or funny?: FUNNY!
* Simple or complicated?: All depends what it is
* Law or anarchy?: wtf?
* MTV or BET?: MTV
* 7th heaven or dawson’s creek?: Neither.. both suck LOL
* Sugar or salt?: Sugar is the key to LIFE lol.. well, not really.. I just prefer it more.
* Silver or gold?: silver
* Tongue or belly button ring?: I wouldn't get either but I think a belly button ring looks better
* Chocolate or flowers?: Why should I choose?  I deserve both LOL
* Angels or miracles?: Look at the answer above
* Colour or black-and-white photos?: Color
* Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.. you'll never get me awake for sunrise, are you kidding me?
* M&M’s or Skittles?: Both
* Rap or rock?: Neither.. but if I had to choose one I'd have to say rock.. but like.. a Bon Jovi type of rock
* Stay up late or sleep in?: Both
* TV or radio?: TV
* Hot or cold?: Right now I'm at the happy medium.. which is surprising because I'm almost always cold in this f'ing house.
* Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter?: Taller
* Sun or moon?: Both!
* Diamond or ruby?: Diamonds are a girl's best friend ;)
* Left or right?: right
* 10 acquaintances or one best friend?: 1 best friend
* Kids or no kids?: Undecided
* Cat or dog?: Dogs.. although I love both
* Half-empty or half-full?: i dont care <------Amen Jamie LOL
* Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup
* Newspaper or magazine?: magazine
* Give or receive?: give
* Rain or snow?: I hate both right now LOL but ask me on another day when it has done anything else BUT snow forever and a day
* Lace or satin?: Satin
* A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship?: Friendship
* Happy or sad?: Happy
* Corduroy or plaid?: doesn't matter
* Wonder or amazement?: Amazement
* Sneakers or sandals?: sandals
* McDonald’s or Burger King?: mcdonalds
* Mexican or italian food?: italian
* Lights on or off? Depends
* Duct tape or scotch tape?: Scotch
* Candy or pop?: Dude.. why not have the best of both worlds?
* A house in the woods or the city?: CITY!!! NEW YORK CITY BABY!!
* Pepsi or coke?: Coke!
* Nike or adidas?: Who cares LOL
* What’s your favorite kind of tree?: Uhhh... I dunno let me go ask my dad.. the freaking gardener of the family
* Out of all your friends, who has the coolest house?: Rennie
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