
Mar 23, 2005 14:33

I am gonna KICK Andrew's ASS!! LOL look at this convo:

rekrap2: it would be so much fun it we went on a tour together
rekrap2: we would so be the stars of the tour
AngeIicWhispers7: OMG
AngeIicWhispers7: I would love to be on a tour
AngeIicWhispers7: but if I tried out.. I highly doubt that I would get in Pookie LOL you'd get in before me
rekrap2: nnooo
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL oh yes
rekrap2: nnoo
rekrap2: u are amazing
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL you have never heard me sing
rekrap2: yes i have
AngeIicWhispers7: when??
rekrap2: i was secretly listening to u one time
AngeIicWhispers7: omg when?!
AngeIicWhispers7: don't tell me when I was singing the Wicked stuff
rekrap2: when i was just home for vacation and u came over
rekrap2: yyeeaaahhh
rekrap2: i heard u im my room
AngeIicWhispers7: YOU DID NOT
AngeIicWhispers7: I am so embarressed
AngeIicWhispers7: OMG please tell me you didn't
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL
rekrap2: i could hear your out in my living room when i was talking to my parents
AngeIicWhispers7: are you serious?
AngeIicWhispers7: I was that loud?
rekrap2: and my mom was like, "shit, that girl can really sing"
AngeIicWhispers7: OMG
AngeIicWhispers7: what song was it?
rekrap2: i dnt remember
AngeIicWhispers7: you are so lying LOL
AngeIicWhispers7: I am so embarressed
rekrap2: i am not lying
rekrap2: then i stood outside my room to listen some more
AngeIicWhispers7: omg is that why you were gone for so long?
AngeIicWhispers7: I am gonna KILL YOU
rekrap2: it figured it would prabably be the only way i would hear u sing
rekrap2: it was sssoo amazin
AngeIicWhispers7: you're such a liar
AngeIicWhispers7: don't say that just because you're my friend LOL
rekrap2: i am not
rekrap2: u know me, i dnt lie about stuff like that
AngeIicWhispers7: I am SO embarressed LOL
rekrap2: hahaha, i tricked you, i heard u sing, i heard u sing....heheheheehehehehehe
AngeIicWhispers7: omg you DID trick me
AngeIicWhispers7: I thought the music was too loud and nobody would be able to hear me
rekrap2: hahahahahahaha
AngeIicWhispers7: YOU LITTLE SNEAK
AngeIicWhispers7: and then you made it seem as if you didn't hear a damn thing
rekrap2: lol
AngeIicWhispers7: omg
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL i am so embarressed now
rekrap2: dnt be embarressed
rekrap2: it was ssooo goo
rekrap2: d
AngeIicWhispers7: and your parents heard me too? that's even MORE embaressing
rekrap2: lol
rekrap2: they didnt hear as much as i did
AngeIicWhispers7: omg LOL i am never coming to your house again
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL
rekrap2: yes u are
AngeIicWhispers7: I am not LOL
rekrap2: yes u are
AngeIicWhispers7: when were you going to tell me this? like
AngeIicWhispers7: NEVER
AngeIicWhispers7: ?
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL
rekrap2: HAHAHAHA
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL
AngeIicWhispers7: apparently you weren't gonna tell me LOL you little bitch!!!
rekrap2: i love u
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL I love you too
AngeIicWhispers7: I'm trying to think of what songs I sung now
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL
rekrap2: lol
AngeIicWhispers7: AH I think I sung the Wizard and I.. it was the first couple of songs on the CD
AngeIicWhispers7: DAMMIT ANDREW
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL
rekrap2: hahahahaha
AngeIicWhispers7: I am singing it right now too
AngeIicWhispers7: LOL
AngeIicWhispers7: that's what reminded me
rekrap2: well, now that u know this wonderful news
rekrap2: i have to go to musical theater class
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