I saw your post in newfriends! I am actually working for a LMT right now, and noticed that you are one! That's awesome. You guys are amazingly talented people. =] Anywho, I've added you!
I saw your post in one of those add me communities. It seems like we have a fair bit in common; I have had my journal since 2002 (WHOA!), but I haven't had a hiatus of sorts in 3+ years. My journal is a lot of the same thing about my day, adventures, friends, pictures, cooking, my 101 list. I am very good at commenting and like I keep my FL small since I am of the mind that I value my friends as well as our interaction. My name is Sandy, I'm 24 and am employed full time, going to graduate school part time. Let me know if you'd be interested in being friends.
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