Your bone's got a little maaachine.

Jul 10, 2005 21:20

So I saw Pixies and Weezer last night. Pixies were super fantastic a la last time I saw them (November) however not as good as the last time for a few reasons:
1. The place in November was like a giant room leading to us being 'one' with the band.
2. For most of the show I had a STELLAR veiw of Kim Deal who was just beaming the whole time!
3. The ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

xonnel July 11 2005, 01:26:32 UTC
i agree about the drunk =W= fans and how they played very little of the blue album... but the weeze never bore!!

although they should have played "In the garage" and "Tired of sex".. but didn't


hey_robot July 11 2005, 05:39:26 UTC
Read my edit and you will see the light. Except entirely no light at all.

and yes, yes they do.


xonnel July 11 2005, 17:06:54 UTC
ya, i now see where your coming from on the whole weezer thing thanks to the edit...

people have thier different tastes

everyone is free to dislike them

just please don't bash them to hard or rivers will cry


tomatopants July 11 2005, 02:20:51 UTC
Aren't the Foo Fighters playing with Weezer? I want to see them....


hey_robot July 11 2005, 05:40:16 UTC
No clue.
Don't really care either! NICE, bitchin!
Hah, aw.


nebus July 11 2005, 18:13:57 UTC
I know what you mean maddy. It's because they have almost no talent. They're cool, and write some funny music, but that's about it.


xonnel July 11 2005, 21:01:30 UTC
i agree
dave grohl is suppose to be a pretty cool guy... but not that the great


nebus July 20 2005, 18:07:22 UTC
Lennox I was talking about Weezer. They are boring and ... more boring.


hey_robot July 20 2005, 18:16:15 UTC
Haha Lennox got muchos told.


little_pepo July 13 2005, 00:06:29 UTC
pixies! i am now sad and jealous. they were pretty fucking good in november and i want more :(

weezer, however, i can take or leave. pretty much in agreement with you.


hey_robot July 16 2005, 17:05:12 UTC
Ack, yes November was reeeeally bitchin'.
I didn't know you were there! Or did I? I forget.

It's funny how many people I know feel that way about Weezer. They're like the dill pickle potato chips of music.


little_pepo July 23 2005, 15:29:31 UTC
late reply = supremely lazy ljer, but... i was at the ottawa show, and it was fan-fucking-tastic.

haha. dill pickle metaphors. so true.


heartsurgeon99 July 19 2005, 01:49:11 UTC
I dislike Weezer as well but I'm good with egg salad sandwichs.


hey_robot July 19 2005, 03:53:05 UTC
to each their own.


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