called me heat lamp,he called me summer camp,he called mejust that once + then he never called again

Sep 02, 2005 02:09

aside from the part where I cried to my ex-girlfriend,

I got to see Brea again, who I never did get to hang out with enough, + Beth! the same goes for her definitely! + we walked to Safeway at night, + just look at them. they're entirely tooooo cute!

I got cheek kisses while eating carrots with caesar dressing! it was beautiful, the people were so friendly!

+ then there was the fun part where I sat on Camille's lap in an amazing shirt + showed off my beautiful teeth, + my overbite! while Eli + I wore matching shirts, which I also have pictures of but photobucket is being a little funny...

as exemplified in this picture in which part of it is cut off!

although Cristiana has first rights to grabbing, it was a great time, + I wish I'd had the cameras for longer. I still have 9 pictures left on the one camera so we'll get those developed (DEFINITELY CUTE PICTURES!) soon. I think the boy who was working at Eckerd stole the picture of me in my bra. that sounds ridiculous, but I'm serious, it wasn't in there. maybe it was the end of the film. but, umm. he tried to flirt with me? so I will flatter myself by saying that he took the picture like I got some kind of hot body.

public post so Beth can see them cause I can't remember her livejournal but maaaybe she remembers mine + can see these. + soon I will give everyone who wants them the addresses of each picture, once isn't being a piece of shit.

tonight I drank (surprise) + had a good time doing so. I'm torn about Olympia. really difficult...
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