Hey Yeaah!
/we have a goal goal goal/
Hi! Hello! You've reached Hey Yeaah.
The community is moderated.
Before you decide to join, please know that there will only be 10 subbed videos inside with another (at most) 4 more in progress.
All in all, you'll only be getting 14 subbed videos. For more information on this, please read
Terms of Agreement and Joining Process )
Comments 950
There's absolutely no sharing of the video outside of the community in any forms (specifically: re-uploading, re-distributing, streaming, hotlinking, linking to community). Like most comms, keep the name of the community private and just say "go to 'hey-yeaah@lj'." And!!! No private messaging to the moderators and maintainers.
Thanks! have a great week ahead :)
I have read all the rules as mentioned by this community.
I promise to abide the rules:
-not reuploading it to any sites and sharing it.
-not streaming the files at anywhere
-will not hotlink the community links to anywhere
-will not mention the community full name
-will not disturb the moderators/maintainers by PM
I won't reupload nor redistribute your files.
Of course, I won't upload your files to streaming websites.
I won't hotlink your links nor link the community.
And I won't importunate the moderators with questions by PM.
Thank you :)
1.My name is zorrochan from indonesia
2.I promise to follow the community rules not to reupload, redistribute, resell, hotlink and share any of the files being shared in this community.
lastly, Many thanks for your hardworking subbed vids of Arashi that make me understand them more :D
Yoroshiku ^^
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