Opening tonight...

Oct 16, 2003 12:12

Some of my dad's work is part of a group show at the Stephen Bulger Gallery on Queen St, West of Bathurst. Opening is tonite from 5-8pm.

OPENING ON THURSDAY OCTOBER 16, 5-8 PM - Stephen Bulger Gallery

Queen Street - A Final Celebration at 700 Queen Street West

In celebration of the gallery’s upcoming move to a larger premises, located a few blocks west of our home for the past nine years, we are pleased to present a group exhibition celebrating the history and diversity of Queen Street. This exhibition will remind viewers of the historical significance that this neighbourhood has had in the life of Toronto; pay homage to the numerous landmarks, events, and personalities that have populated the area; and provide a context for the current resurgence of life to the Queen West community....

The photographer Ian MacEachern is a new artist to our gallery, and it is our pleasure to present his work for the first time in this exhibition. While working as a free-lance photographer, Ian was commissioned by Chatelaine Magazine in 1966 to illustrate the then-current state of facilities at the Queen Street Mental Health Hospital. The resulting portfolio is at times melancholy, but also extremely humanistic and moving in its portrayal of clients of the mental health system during that era....

full press release is here:

my dad's website is:
the work that is being shown is the "Asylum" images.
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