May 13, 2004 15:29
just so everyone knows mewissa is a whore
love you
May 10, 2004 19:09
me:we should make our own wild boys show
bildo:f*** with animals are you crazy?
haha that was hilarious
May 09, 2004 23:56
i wish it was friday may 7th at about 9:45 pm right now.
May 05, 2004 07:38
A.P. Test numero uno hoy
I only have one
i love easy
May 01, 2004 23:36
i like family nights even when they are not my family
especially when they are not my family
tonight was good
Apr 30, 2004 20:09
why do i feel so great when with you
so horrible without you
Apr 30, 2004 15:59
well this week has been pretty hectic(sp?).
I have had a fair amount of hw.
next week is ap testing thankfully i only have one.
uh im tired i went to sleep at 1 and woke up at 6:04
yay trace got her permit...haha what a loser
Apr 29, 2004 18:04
wow my journal was really gay. i just realized that. and i dont mean stupid. i mean girly. no offense to u fatty. heh. it loked cool its the same just new colors. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh
later brahs