I figured I'd try and update this silly thing, not that anyone asks ;) Scott and I are doing good good good, have been "official" for 3 weeks today. Good times. And since I'm too lazy to type, here's some pictures from the past few weeks..
First of all, I got my hair cut and my eyebrows waxed this past Saturday, and it finally made me cave and buy myself a straightener:
And a couple pictures from a few weeks ago at Scott's friend Blair's place:
Scott sitting on Blair's lap.. this makes him look gigantic, lol.
Blair and Megan, Scott's best friend..
Scott and Megan.
And one from bowling with Kristy, Mike, Scott and my crazy ass co-workers:
Sandra, my head supervisor, and Sam.. the best part timer that ever lived.
And lastly, some from this past weekend at Scott's friend Jill's bday party. I had a blast, and this group of his friends are totally awesome.
Scott, probably attempting to dance. And failing, miserably.
This boy makes some ODD faces, I tell you.
Fig 1:Brian is gay and still manages to get all the ladies.
Fig 2: Need I say more?
Megan and.. damnit, why can't I remember her name? I want to say Sarah but I'm probably wrong.
Hi, I'm Scott and I'm really drunk. ;)
Scott and Blair.
I'm sure I'll have some more pictures later, Scott took approx 300-350 that night because he is a tad bit obsessed with his new baby, the Canon Digital Rebel. It's the sexiest camera I have ever seen in my life. I would have it's babies.
That's all for now, I will try my best to update this stupid thing more than once a century!