Well, where do I start? I have been really busy with school, but I just graduated YAY! so I have more time. Also I just made a huge move from Colorado to Texas so my mom could get married and I already miss colorado, but I do love it here also. As of right now I have been here for a month and already crap has happened. When we were here for just a week Scott's (my new dad) little dog died that was really hard because he had her since she was a puppy and she was in her teens when she died. Also There was a bird nest by my door that had eggs that I had been watching, well they finally hatched I was so happy. Then a few days later a damn snake came and ATE THEM, I was so pissed. When we moved my mom sister and I brought pets with us, well two of the pets where dogs, they are sister from a litter, we got them as puppies. Well on monday when let them out to go potty and Suzie the bigger dog ran away and we have been looking for her ever since and we all know how big Dallas is and all the highways around so I am really worried that we will never see her again. Her sister is so sad all she does in stare at the door waiting for her to come home. Well that is about it for now but I should have more later. Talk to you all soon