Things are good. Thanks for asking. Funny things happened today during tennis between Ivan and me.
March 3rd Tennis Funny Thing #1. Here, two girls were playing tennis in the court by us, but they were horrible. They kept hitting the balls into our court. After about three or four times, I picked the ball up and hit it back. The girl wasn't paying attention and the ball bounced once and hit here in the FACE!! "What was she doing putting her face near tennis balls?"
March 3rd Tennis Funny Thing #2. What happened here is: Ivan was serving to me, but faulted. I nonchalantly made an attempt at hitting the ball back to him, but I missed the ball, and continued swinging the racket until it hit me in the forehead. There's a little knot on it now. I'd consider it karma for hitting that girl in the face. Tears ensued.
Other funny things that happened, but weren't worthy of time spent portraying in flash...
- Ivan and I were drinking these supposedly crazy energy drinks, and i finished mine first. while he was drinking i was like "OHMYGODSOMUCHENERGYLETSPLAYGOGOGO!!!" and he laughed. And you know what happens when you mix laughing and drinking things.
- It was raining as we were playing, and I overran a ball and tried to stop and of course, slipped and fell. not too funny but it kinda was. more karma for hitting that girl in the kisser.
- I was reaching over the net for a ball and all of a sudden my calf cramped up hella bad, so i had to lie down on the wet ground until it went away :'(. even more karma.
the end!