Part One: Ancestry and World Culture:
¤ If you could live in any other country than your own, which one would it be and why? ENGLAND. Why? LONDON. End of story.
¤ List all known ancestral nationalities: Scottish, English, Irish, Polish, and Czech.
¤ Do you feel a sense of national pride for your home land? For the US? Hells yes! We freaking rock.
¤ Do you feel a sense of national pride for your ancestral roots? Ok. Through my mom's side of the family we're related to Saint Nicholas (or whatever is real name is). So dude, we're like, elves. Then on my dad's side we've got the crazy southern family and the French. So that'd be another yes.
¤ Your mother's maiden name: Mikulas.
¤ Your grandmother's maiden name, on your mother's side: ....these are weird questions.
¤ Your grandmother's maiden name, on your father's side: I know but I'm not saying because yeah. Who cares.
¤ Is your family interested in your heritage? On mi padre's side yes.
Part Two: Linguistics
¤ Languages spoken fluently: Um, English. And barely.
¤ Languages you know the basics of: English.
¤ How many languages did you learn while growing up? This survey is retarded. Screw it.
¤ What languages were/are/will be offered at your high school?
¤ Which one(s) did you/are you/will be taking?
¤ On a scale from 1-10, how much does the realm of linguistics interest you?
¤At the top of your head, what language do you think is probably the easiest to learn?
¤ What about the hardest?
Part Three: World Culture
¤ Are there world cultures that interest you in particular?
¤ Do you/would you listen to music with lyrics in a language that you don't know?
¤ If you have one, what is your favorite type of world music?
¤ What is your favorite type of cultural food?
¤ Beauty is defined by our culture. Which practice do you find the most horrific and unethical?
¤ Have you seen a foreign film before? If not, would you?
¤ What aspect of the world that we live in do you hate the most?
¤ What aspect of the world that we live in do you love the most?
Name:: Bekah
Age:: 15
Height:: 5"8-9 ish
Hair Color:: Brown with blonde highlights
Eye Color:: Blue
School Life
What's your school's mascot?: Cougars
School color(s)?: Um....
G.P.A.?: Uh. I don't know. 3.somethin'? FINE I'll check....3.7. Hm.
Who is your favorite teacher?: I don't really have one. Maybe Mr. Middleton? He was hilarious.
What do they teach?: English
Is this your favorite class?: What? Oh, I....guess....? Actually, Drama might be my favorite.
Do you use any instant messengers?: Yessuh
If so, which ones?: AIM
About how many hours a day do you spend online?: I don't know. A few?
Do you have a digital camera?: Indeed
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online?: Yes, I'm a camera whore. Ish. Nish. Ha ha, sorry, but I think "whore" is a funny word.
Do you play any instruments?: Yep!
If so, what one(s)?: The kazoo. OH YES.
3 Favorite Genres Of Music:: Who, really, and cares.
3 Favorite Bands:: The Beatles, The Rocket Summer, and I don't know!
Do you go to concerts and/or shows?: <3 x 1000
What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?: I've never used my own money for a show but I suppose about $50?
What is the least you've ever spent?: Um, free.
Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny?: Very.
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to?: Haha, waaaay guilty.
Did you notice the grammatical error in question 29?: Ohmygod, I'm such a dork. I counted and their haven't been twenty nine. But I think there might be an error in that question- isn't it journalistically incorrect to state a number in numeral form if it's under one hundred?
Word Association
Blue:: Sky
Camera:: Yay
Boy:: Nnnngggghhhhbastard
Pretty:: Girly
Pants:: Trousers
Music:: Break it down
God:: Empowering
Sweater:: "Sweater Song"
Live Journal:: Interesting
MTV:: Turn it off
Do you think labels are dumb?: Most definitely
Why or why not?: Because all it does is seperate people into different groups and cause feuds. But whatever, no matter what happens it'll always be around so let's make fun of it or something.
What do people label you as?: I've got no idea. And I don't think I want to know.
How/Why did you get this label?: Because you're a retard.
Which Is Worse?
Physical Pain/Emotional Pain?: Oh goodness. Physical, I guess? I've never experienced extreme pain, physical or emotional.
Blink-182/Good Charlotte?: Good Charlotte.
Being Deaf/Being Blind?: I think blind....but both are terrible.
Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do?: Bored.
Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm?: I don't know, considering I've never lost a leg nor arm.
Do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"?: Uh huh, but it's hard to decipher between.
Is it better to have loved and lossed than to have never loved at all?: I'm guessing so?
Are you romantic?: Yep.
Are you in a relationship now?: Yes, and I believe you've heard of him, Mr. Orlando Bloom?
If so, for how long?: La la la la
If not, how long have you been single?: Laaaa
Are you a virgin?: Yeeees
What song describes your love life right now?: I can't think of one. Something that has to with something NOT EXISTING.
War: Good or Bad?: Bad- but sometimes it's....needed? Violence isn't the answer but some times it's the only way.
What do you think of designer labels?: I don't. Who cares?
Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?: I hope Paris Hilton's vagina shrivels up and her ovaries fall out.
What is it with guys and cars?: I have no idea but IT IS RETARDED. IT IS A CAR. To an extent they are cool but how can they talk about them for hours upon hours upon hours every single day non-stop?
Do you sing?: Yes, you may call me Ms. Agularia.
If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)?: Uh, what?
Kiss or hug?: Kiss
What color is your room?: An old person's shade of pink.
How old is your mom?: HAHAHAHA. She says she's thirty two....which would mean she was seventeen when she had me.
Black and white or color photos?: I like both- but black and white is very classy.
Who cuts your hair?: Mary!
What color is your toothbrush?: I can't remember. Blue or teal or something.
What color is your hair brush?: Uuuum. A really ugly blue. With like, these bland-red stripes or something. It's not very pretty. I used to have this blue, glittery brush that was really cute but I have no idea where that bia disappeared to. But I'm sure you wanted to know all of that.
What kind of hair products do you use?: Um. I don't know if it really counts as a hair product, but this really awesome shampoo and conditioner that smells like coconuts. Haha. I lurve it. And I had to share. But other than that hair spray?
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart?: Uh, HELLO? What about the poor woman?
Are you sXe?: What the hell is "sXe"? Hardcore sexy?
Are you sexy?: Definitely not.
What color do people tells you looks nice on you?: Blue?
What color do you think looks nice on you?: I like teal and light blue.
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping?: CLOTHES. CLOTHESCLOTHESCLOTHESCLOTHES.
Who do you sit with at lunch?
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: Noooo. I think I sound like a boy or something. I wish my voice was sweet and girly, but I probably sound like some cave man. Blah.
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know?: I'm not sure. OH. Nevermind I do know. And he's a bastard. Sort of.
What is the website for one of your favorite bands?: I don't really look at band sites, but or whatever? Yeah, those Brits are very attractive.
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you?: Within reason any would be fine, as long as he isn't like, way older or way younger.
Do you listen to songs on repeat often?: Haha, yep.
Who was the last person you hung out with?: MY CAT. I can't remember. I'm tired and this is getting old.
What did you and that person do?: Sold drugs. I don't know.
Do you use internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", et cetera)?: Sometimes, but only because I feel like an idiot saying "ha ha" over and over again.
How often do you bathe?: Every day. Sometimes twice. I'm an obsessive bather, muah ha.
Are you a people-pleaser?: Yeah- that used to be a huge problem of mine. I was so concerned with making others happy I completely ignored the fact that it made me feel terrible. And it nearly destroyed a friendship when I decided to change that.
Do you dye your hair regularly?: I get it highlighted every few months if I feel like paying for it.
What about your eyebrows?: What about them?
Do you wear makeup?: Yep
If you answered "yes", to #96, are you female?: I was about to say, "Yes, I am the proud owner of a vagina" but I thought that sounded a bit crude. So I'll stick with simplicity: Yes.
Do you buy CDs edited or unedited?: Unedited.
Can you beatbox?: Uh. Yeeeeah.
Does your mom like the song "Hey Ya" by OutKast?: She likes "I Like The Way You Move" or whatever.
Wow, that was dumb. And a waste of time.