I don't know why I'm having trouble losing all this weight. I suppose it was because for the first twenty-one years of my life I never had to watch what I ate or drank to stay slim, and then as if overnight I gained about a stone and a half. Well, obviously it wasn't overnight, but it seemed to feel that way. I stopped modeling for a bit because I wanted to spend time with Marek and when I did, I was too big anymore.
I've never really been one for a routine, so it's hard having not to eat certain foods and eat after a certain time and to exercice regularly, even though it's what most other people have to do to stay a certain times. Do I want to badly enough, even? I don't mind being the size that I am currently, but if I keep on getting bigger, then I'll be worried.
Working around models really puts your perception of your own appearance into perspective. Will everyone be watching what goes into my mouth?
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Guess who the newest employee of Witch Weekly is? I start in a week's time.