Title: Bad Habit
Pairing: Doojoon/Hyoyeon; Eunhyuk/Hyoyeon
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slight sexual reference
Prompt: familiar sensations for
kpop_prompts Words: 115 (drabble)
A/N: I wrote this last night as a surprise for Hyoyeon's birthday~ Forgive me if this disappoints you, I wrote it really late a night/early in the morning. ;-;
It feels familiar, the way you hold me, the way you kiss me. )
Comments 10
No wait, that'd be creepy, wouldn't it? /gets shot
Ack. As everyone else already said, it's truly astounding (no one else used that word though, whoo!) the way you can evoke such deep feelings in only 115 words. Like what the heck, dude, share your writing talent with others (me) please!
Just kidding♥
Poor Doojoon, but you know what, I ship HyoHyuk, so I honestly am going YES HYOYEON CARES ABOUT HYUKJAE. <3
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