Convo between Jack and Demyx after Jack visited with Kimiko.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Hey, Jack~
GuardiaBellaluna: Oh, hey
tanzaniteWEAPON: So you were saying you couldn't talk about something in public?
GuardiaBellaluna: Yeah...I just did something really REALLY stupid
tanzaniteWEAPON: Oh yeah? What?
GuardiaBellaluna: ...y'know I'd really rather not say.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Aw, c'mon.
GuardiaBellaluna: Well, I was bored yesterday. Really REALLY bored.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Pleaaaase?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Yeah?
GuardiaBellaluna: So I decided to go over to the Xiaolin temple, just to bug those guys right?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Right...
GuardiaBellaluna: And I run into Kimiko. We were fighting like usual and she kept asking me why I was there. I kept telling her I was bored, and then finally I told her....
tanzaniteWEAPON: ...?
GuardiaBellaluna: I told her I came to see her. I don't even know where the hell something like that came from!
GuardiaBellaluna: ARG!
tanzaniteWEAPON: ...what's wrong with that?
GuardiaBellaluna: What's wrong with that!? What's not wrong with that!?
tanzaniteWEAPON: I mean, sounds like you guys have known each other for a while, right?
GuardiaBellaluna: As enemies!
tanzaniteWEAPON: Yeah, but still!
GuardiaBellaluna: But still nothing. I want to take over the world and she wants to save it. So why the heck would I want to see her unless it was to ruin her do-goodyness!?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Larxene and Axel used to say that it's fun to 'snark' with people you're fighting. Or something.
GuardiaBellaluna: ...What? O_o
tanzaniteWEAPON: I think it means that just 'cause you're enemies with someone doesn't mean you have to be mean to them. But I'm not sure that's what they meant.
GuardiaBellaluna: But that's what we do. We fight. ALOT.
tanzaniteWEAPON: You can fight and still be friends with someone! Possibly!
GuardiaBellaluna: I don't ever see that happening...and I mean...who would WANT that to happen. Not me. No way.
tanzaniteWEAPON: C'mooon. Friends are cool.
GuardiaBellaluna: Kimiko, me, friends. No, it won't happen.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Give it a chance!
GuardiaBellaluna: Why!?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Why not?
tanzaniteWEAPON: I mean, you fight a lot, you said. You're both probably pretty good at it then, mutual respect there!
GuardiaBellaluna: Um, let's see, Wuya would kill me, Kimiko wouldn't let it happen, the other Xiaolin losers would't shut up about it. Not to mention they'd be suspicious of me the whole time. Oh yes, and I don't want to.
tanzaniteWEAPON: You're afraid of they whiney ghost?
GuardiaBellaluna: You've never met her. T_T
tanzaniteWEAPON: ...ouch.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Why wouldn't she like it?
GuardiaBellaluna: I repeat
GuardiaBellaluna: WE
GuardiaBellaluna: ARE
GuardiaBellaluna: ENEMIES
tanzaniteWEAPON: ...Are you actually trying to kill one another, or just "argh I will oppose you forever!"
GuardiaBellaluna: Well, there's no killing yet, but who knows what Wuya will do when she gets her body back...again.
tanzaniteWEAPON: She lost her body? Weeeeird. How does that even work?!
GuardiaBellaluna: ...It's complicated
tanzaniteWEAPON: I am the soul of attention.
GuardiaBellaluna: Well she got captured in this puzzle box for hundreds of years for being all evil and junk, so one day I solved the puzzle thing and she got out, only she was this ghost.
tanzaniteWEAPON: the moral of the story is, being evil and junk is bad for corporeal existence?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Huh.
GuardiaBellaluna: Psh, whatever
tanzaniteWEAPON: Can she actually kill you, then? Like, if she's a ghost?
GuardiaBellaluna: Not literally no. But she'll certainly be more of a pain than usual.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Aw.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well...if there are all these WOW! YAY! GOOD reasons not to go over to talk to Kimiko, why didja?
GuardiaBellaluna: I DON'T KNOW!
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well, then I'd just go with it, really.
GuardiaBellaluna: I am not just going to go with it. You saw how ticked she is. I'm surprised she didn't kill me before I left.
tanzaniteWEAPON: She seems more flaily than ticked. I mean, I am an expert on flailing.
GuardiaBellaluna: Flaily?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Like, you know. Flailing.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Flapping your arms around with strong emotion.
tanzaniteWEAPON: And spazzing out.
tanzaniteWEAPON: It's fun. <3
GuardiaBellaluna: must be mistaken. Kimiko does not flail.
tanzaniteWEAPON: She looked like she was!
GuardiaBellaluna: You could tell through a livejournal? O-O
tanzaniteWEAPON: Keyboard smashing is a strong symptom of flailiness!
GuardiaBellaluna: it's also a strong symptom of anger.
tanzaniteWEAPON: True!
tanzaniteWEAPON: But it could be flaily anger.
GuardiaBellaluna: ...whatever
tanzaniteWEAPON: Oh, stop it with the dots and the whatevers. It matters!
GuardiaBellaluna: Why does it matter!?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Because if she's not angry, you can just go along with stuff and see what happens.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Even if she is angry, really.
GuardiaBellaluna: And what do you think would happen?
tanzaniteWEAPON: I have no idea.
tanzaniteWEAPON: That's what makes it fun~!
GuardiaBellaluna: Fun? Right.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Yes! Fun.
tanzaniteWEAPON: And also educational, because when you want to do random stuff, it usually has something to do with the heart and things like that.
tanzaniteWEAPON: And that stuff is important.
GuardiaBellaluna: Excuse me. Did you say heart?
tanzaniteWEAPON: ...yeah?
GuardiaBellaluna: And what exactly do you mean by that?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Emotions and stuff. Uh, random connective thingies. Light and darkness blah blah, why?
GuardiaBellaluna: So let me get this straight.
GuardiaBellaluna: You're saying I have...emotions for Kimiko?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well, you've got to have some kind of emotion for her, if you fight her all the time.
GuardiaBellaluna: YES. Anger, loathing, hatred.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Yeah!
tanzaniteWEAPON: That works!
GuardiaBellaluna: Right. Good then. I don't see what that has to do with the heart though.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Emotions come from the heart.
tanzaniteWEAPON: All of them.
GuardiaBellaluna: Well fine, don't scare me then. You made it sound like I had...other feeling for her.
tanzaniteWEAPON: So you're probably connected to the Xiaolin people anyway.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Oh, well, you don't have to.
GuardiaBellaluna: Good. Cause I won't. Ever.
tanzaniteWEAPON: But you're still connected.
GuardiaBellaluna: As enemies, yes.
tanzaniteWEAPON: It's a connection~
tanzaniteWEAPON: So if your heart is leading you to explore your enemies a little more, might as well! The heart can give you cool hints about stuff.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Like, intuition.
GuardiaBellaluna: Okay...I guess that makes sense. Maybe.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Totally does. You're lucky! Hearts seriously help when you're dealing with stuff like that.
GuardiaBellaluna: You know, for a guy with a heart you certainly seem to know alot about emotions.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Yeah, well! We sort of studied them. 'Cause of the heartless thing.
tanzaniteWEAPON: But I think we totally still have hearts out there somewhere. Like, there's a connection.
tanzaniteWEAPON: 'Cause I still feel stuff! Yeah.
GuardiaBellaluna: Well yeah, you seem to care about stuff. I mean you're sitting here talking to me, which is more than I can say about some people.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Oh yeah?
GuardiaBellaluna: Yeah, so I don't know. You must have something like a heart. I mean, you seem to care about everyone on that stinking community.
tanzaniteWEAPON: It's better than nothing, right? But I've totally seen people talking to you.l
GuardiaBellaluna: mean all the people that want me kicked of the community?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well, you were mean to them. But they definitely talked to you!
GuardiaBellaluna: I just said I wanted to take over the world...
tanzaniteWEAPON: And then people were like "that's kind of a weird hobby" and you were like "oh yeah well you suck."
GuardiaBellaluna: The insulted my intellegence!
tanzaniteWEAPON: They underestimated you. That's good, right?
GuardiaBellaluna: ...I guess.
tanzaniteWEAPON: It is!
tanzaniteWEAPON: Also, if you're just nice to everyone, a lot more people want to talk to you.
GuardiaBellaluna: Heh, yeah whatever.
tanzaniteWEAPON: You just said you wanted more people to talk to you!
GuardiaBellaluna: People won't talk to me. End of story.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Untrue!
tanzaniteWEAPON: They will if you're nice to them!
GuardiaBellaluna: I'm not nice.
tanzaniteWEAPON: You could pretend...
tanzaniteWEAPON: You're not bad, anyway.'
GuardiaBellaluna: Yes I am. I'm evil!
tanzaniteWEAPON: I mean to talk to. You're totally okay.
tanzaniteWEAPON: I mean, uh, I think I might be techinically evil too.
GuardiaBellaluna: ...really?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Yeah, I told you, we were all villianous and stuff. Sort of. Well. Maybe a lot villianous.
GuardiaBellaluna: Yeah, well it still doesn't matter. People don't talk to me. You're like the only one besides Wuya.
tanzaniteWEAPON: And Kimiko!
GuardiaBellaluna: That doesn't count.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Does. Definitely qualifies as speech.
GuardiaBellaluna: Angry, 'I-hate-your-guts' speech, sure.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Talking! And anyway, sounds like you and Wuya just yell at one another anyway.
GuardiaBellaluna: Yeah, yeah fine.
tanzaniteWEAPON: What do you really want?! I mean, you say you want people to talk to you and now you're acting like you don't. The heck.
GuardiaBellaluna: I want to take over. That's all. I don't care about the rest.
tanzaniteWEAPON: 's not what you said before.
GuardiaBellaluna: Gah, fine. I don't KNOW what I want. Alright!?
tanzaniteWEAPON: At least that's honest! ^^
GuardiaBellaluna: Whatever.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Always with the whatevers.
tanzaniteWEAPON: It's not whatever! It's your life! Etcetera! I feel like a motivational speaker!
tanzaniteWEAPON: C'mooooon.
GuardiaBellaluna: I like Whatever.
tanzaniteWEAPON: It's a sad, lonely, and abandoned word sitting there hiding its inner pain. Or something.
GuardiaBellaluna: Perfect.
tanzaniteWEAPON: You have inner pain? That sucks.
GuardiaBellaluna: Everything tends to suck one way or another.
tanzaniteWEAPON: That is a very depressing way to think! Some things do not suck. Like puppies. I want a puppy.
tanzaniteWEAPON: And friends.
tanzaniteWEAPON: And sunsets and ice cream.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Also possibly chocolate.
GuardiaBellaluna: are way too happy to not have a heart.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Karaoke nights.
tanzaniteWEAPON: But in the meantime, we have friends and chocolate and puppies and ice cream and karaoke.
GuardiaBellaluna: No, you have them.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Doesn't the sun set where you are? Is there no chocolate?
tanzaniteWEAPON: That's horrible.
GuardiaBellaluna: ....we have them.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well then! What's the problem~?
GuardiaBellaluna: I don't like them, minus chocolate perhaps.
tanzaniteWEAPON: No sunsets, either? Damn. You could seriously have friends, though.
GuardiaBellaluna: Don't want them, and they don't want me.
tanzaniteWEAPON: I'll be your friend! You're pretty cool.
GuardiaBellaluna: Okay, I've got one friend. Happy?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Are you~?
GuardiaBellaluna: *shrugs* I dunno. Maybe?
tanzaniteWEAPON: That's good! Happy is definitely good.
GuardiaBellaluna: Sure.
tanzaniteWEAPON: It's an undeniable fact~
GuardiaBellaluna: Okay.
tanzaniteWEAPON: You're retreating to one-word answers again~
tanzaniteWEAPON: I'm going to look up a good word for that.
GuardiaBellaluna: You do that then.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Stop being so taciturn. That's a good one!
tanzaniteWEAPON: Taciturnism can cause side effects of...emo. And quiet. And inner pain. And being all sad and stuff.
tanzaniteWEAPON: We should go eat ice cream again sometime. And maybe you could show me the Xiaolin place and I could say hi to Kimiko.
GuardiaBellaluna: I'm am NOT going there again. She'll kill me.
tanzaniteWEAPON: She won't kill me!
tanzaniteWEAPON: You don't have to talk to her!
tanzaniteWEAPON: And anyway, it can be part of our Heart Stuff Investigations.
GuardiaBellaluna: Yeah, fine.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Awesome.
GuardiaBellaluna: Far from it.
tanzaniteWEAPON: You need to be more positive about these things! There's a very good chance you won't die. <3
GuardiaBellaluna: I'll run before she has the chance.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Good thinking!
tanzaniteWEAPON: Running away works really well.
tanzaniteWEAPON: For not dying.
GuardiaBellaluna: Yes, yes it does
tanzaniteWEAPON: Even if the Superior never thought so. Jerk.
GuardiaBellaluna: Huh?
tanzaniteWEAPON: Oh, he was sort of my... Superior. I didn't do well on all of my missions, I don't think he liked me very much.
tanzaniteWEAPON: I didn't. Uh. Well. Destroying worlds wasn't. My favorite thing.
GuardiaBellaluna: What's the point in destorying worlds? There's nothing left to take over!
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well, I think the logic was that their hearts would get eaten by Heartless and then the hearts would go to Kingdom Hearts and yeah.
tanzaniteWEAPON: But it still sucked.
GuardiaBellaluna: ...right.
tanzaniteWEAPON: ...
tanzaniteWEAPON: yeah.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Well! Anyway! I've got to get off to go find something to eat, so~!
GuardiaBellaluna: Alright then. I'll see you around.
tanzaniteWEAPON: Seeya~
tanzaniteWEAPON signed off at 10:03:37 PM.