So this is my second tutorial, please be nice! :)
You can say that this post actually involves two tutorials since I'm going to be teaching you people how you have to fiddle with the settings from picture to picture, some people don't really get hat, they are like "huh?! what should I fiddle around with" I don't know about you huys but I'm like that sometimes! ;)
So here we go, well be going from:
The pictures are from And with the Kate icon, that's the one I'm going to show how to change settings with.
1.Choose you base, dublicate it and then go to Image>adjustments>Variations and then click on lighten a couple of times, it shouldn't get too light but not too dark either, this is how mine turned out:
2. Then make a color balance layer:
Midtones: +12,-3,-6
Shadows: -77,-34,-8
(Don't touch the highlights)
3.Make a new hue/sat layer:
Master sat: +30
Reds sat: +6
Yellows sat: +7
Greens sat: +8
Cyans sat: +11
Blues sat: +5
(If you want your image to be colourful you have to upper the saturation on the most of the colours, depending on what kinds of colours there are on the picture, and which one of them you want to brighten up!)
4. Make a Selective Coloring layer:
reds: -100,0,+29,0
yellows: +100,0,0,0
Greens: 0,-100,+100,0
Cyans: +100,0,-100,0
Magnetas: -100,0,+100,+100
Neutrals: +4,0,0,-12
5. And another/last selective coloring layer:
reds: -32,+12,+7,0
yellows: -23,+4,+19,0
Neutrals: 0,0,0,-19
6. And finally make a curves layer, leave everything as it is and click OK, then set the curves to softlight, opacity: 45%
Heres the result:
And you're finished!
Now when I wanted to get the same coloring on the Kate icon I just fiddled with the colorbalance, cause the Kate image would get too dark and blue and greasy if I let the color balance remain the same as the icon with Sawyer and Hurley on it, so I changed the settings on the color balance to:
Midtones: +12,-3,-6 (this ones the same though)
Shadows: -11,-4,-8 (here's where the change comes!)
Now you get this
Completely finished!
Now, please credit if you use this tutorial a lot of times.
And comment, I just love comments! <3