Speechless. 2

Oct 27, 2009 00:32

Title: Speechless
Author: hotfruits
Prompt: 10. Distress at 30emotions
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Keito-centric. HSJ. Keito/Hikaru. Yabu/Takaki.
Disclaimer: Nope
Summary: It was a day like any other day, and the thought that maybe I should be worried never struck me.

AN: Hospital!Keito

x-posted to jent_fanfics, hikatorabu, heysay_fanfic and hsj_fics


I feel a great shock that makes my bones shake, and suddenly the darkness is gone but not quite, there's still a sense of it lingering around me here. It's definitely not quiet though, I can hear screaming and sobbing coming from new voices, but like the other voice, these ones also make me feel at peace. I wonder who these people are, and why they have such an effect on me.

He's stable, move him into ICU someone says, and then I'm moving for what seems like forever, going left and going right, moving up and then into a straight line until I'm stationary again. A chorus of feet move beside me the entire time, talking amongst each other and I hope they never stop, because when I hear their voices, the darkness seems to get a little dimmer.

I can't believe this...it's, I mean who the hell would hurt Keito? agreement to this statement is echoed by the rest of the voices, and the one I heard first says, This can't be real, this just can't be happening.

I wish I could scream, or at the very least open my eyes, to relieve their fears and worry. I feel bad for causing them grief but I can't do anything, I'm stuck in this darkness until further notice.

Hikaru, it'll be okay, Keito is gonna pull through and we'll be back together in no time this voice is strong, leader-like but it sounds falsely optimistic, uncertain and unsure. Regardless, I find myself believing in that voice, and I hope Hikaru believes it too.

But you heard what the doctor said! Hikaru is crying, even if he wakes up, he might not be Keito anymore...

I wish I could do something besides just lay here and listen to Hikaru's broken hearted cries. I'm not sure why but I feel as though Hikaru and I are very close, best friends or even possibly lovers. His voice affects me the most out of the group, and when he holds my hand so tightly I feel less frightened of the darkness surrounding me.

I am going to get better, just like that strong voice said. I am going to wake up and be me, and I will take Hikaru into my arms and kiss away the troubles I've put them through. I will get better, I will.

I have to.

type: chaptered, subject: okamoto, rating: pg-13, pairing: yaotome/okamoto

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