I'm still sick and I don't know how long I can go on with this. Since the end of last semester is faaar to long to be sick still. I don't care if the doctor says it's just allergies. The meds aren't helping and my throat feels like it's going to cave in.
Suprisingly enough, I'm not sleeping. For all the sleep that I was getting before, it seemed my body got tired of sleep and just.. stopped. It makes for very interesting days at work, like today.
Oh, today was the best. Worked from 10 until 6 running on a total of... not much sleep in the past 48 hours. The lack of sleep went to my head and reduced me to a three year old again, which I ran around the store telling everyone. (My register was also #3, a big step up from #2 which I've been on for the past two weeks.) My energy level was suprisingly high for so little sleep, and apparently, I was a great amusement to all on the registers and behind the counter.
But of course, when always running on such little sleep, there is a point where you crash. Everytime I got remotely close to that point, here is what happened:
Kyle (register #5, btw): Cole-Bell, how old are you?
Me: Tree! I Tree today. Yesterday I was two and today I am tree!! (And of course, you have to imagine me playing the part of a three year old with a lisp, hand gestures included.)
Kyle: And when were you born? 20...80??
Me: I was born in 2080 and I'm a future baby!! (still lisping by the way.)
Kyle has a way of making me feel incredibly old by saying that I was born in the 80's. He's only 16 and was a 90's baby. I'll miss him when he goes to Europe on Wednesday, even if it is only for two weeks. He's hysterical and I feel a good connection to him, much like the younger brother I never had. He's fun to play around with, but can also have his serious moments, unlike most of the other high schoolers who work at the store.
Besides Eric that is. Eric is a whole story to himself. He's only 17, but God, if he were only a few months older. He is so smart and so witty and so completely melt-worthy. It's probably because he was homeschooled that makes him so much more mature then the other kids at Weis, and so much more mature then most of the people I've ever met. But then, he still has his playful side, which thankfully, I get to see more then other people because I understand his dry sense of humor.
We've been deemed husband and wife through the store and Kenzie is our daughter. Fittingly, she looks like him. The only reason this came to be is because we all went shopping together. He was buying, I was pushing the cart around, bossing him every chance I got and Kenzie was following, looking all sorts of grumpy because she didn't want to go food shopping. I even checked the eggs that he bought to make sure that they were not cracked. As I was pushing the cart, I kind of mumbled that I was a good and obedient little wife, and he agreed. We went to the register where Shannon preceeded to tell us that we made quiet a decent looking family. She said this without us even telling her what she said. Kenzie turned around and immediately said, "Mommy, can I have a lolly pop?"
So, I'm in love with my Weis co-workers, ALL of them. They make my days so much happier, and that is why, even on my days off, I go into the store and stand around for two hours bagging orders and not getting paid for it.
My Dunkin Donuts family makes me happy to, but I have no stories to tell about them right now because I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks. But the last I remember, my last week working there over vacation, I distinctly remember telling people that they were going to miss me while I was gone. And then having Jose turn around and tell me that he loved me everytime I did something stupid, which was often. I'm much more of a klutz then I thought I was. Who knew that cream would fly across a room when a cup was softly placed onto a counter? I miss them while I'm not there.
New subject:! Our first draft of our first fiction peice was due Saturday at noon. I'm a horrible person and completely forgot about writing it. Of course, I knew what the plot was and who the characters were and thankfully, it's something that I've been attempting to write for a while now. Just a story that's been stuck inside of me for a long time. I started writing it for NaNoWriMo this year and when that failed miserably, I picked it up for my writing class. Do you know how hard it is to take 26,000 word story and cut it down into 6 pages?
Well, it's not really all that hard, actually! That's probably why I've been assigned with the task of taking a 50,000 word novel next November and cutting it down until there is nothing left, instead of doing it the opposite way, or the correct way instead. The people that I met through NaNo this year thought it would be a better challenge for me then writing an actual novel.
Anyway! I cut 26,000 words down into a very choppy 6 paged peice of... something. The hard part? When I originally wrote it, the whole story took place between Venus and Earth. There were gay love scenes (because when in doubt, write porn), a war being waged between Venus and the space stations and some serious time travel going on because the Venus community took place a few thousand years after the complete destruction of earth! Oh, and there was some Greek mythology threw in there too that had to be removed because I couldn't explain how Greek gods had anything to do with the little girl who was dying of cancer!
Most fucked up, warped story I have ever written!
So anyway, I've been reading a lot lately, because I can't sleep, and I found the most amazing author. Of course, she's a HP fanfic writer, but she has such a way with words that there is always a scene, whether happy or sad, that I inevitably cry during while reading. She's just that good.
Or it could be that I'm a big ball of emotions lately and can cry at anything?
As well as ramble. I've been doing that a lot too, as you can tell. Honestly, the whole point of this entry was to say that I feel like shit, I'm not sleeping and I found a great author. That was it. I've far surpassed that now. And I feel like I still have more to say, but a lot of it will bring up bad thoughts from the past week or so (stupid Kenzie for pissing me off so much this week!!!) and I don't really feel like getting into that right now. So, I think I'll end this.
...And put it under a cut.
There is a storm outside and the thunder is going so bad at one point, I thought the building was collapsing before I realized it was just thunder. So I watched Peter Pan to calm myself down. I don't like thunder at all. Hence the icon.