Ohmygoodness! How DO I Get SO Behind?!

Aug 25, 2019 15:49

I used to never get behind like this!  :O  I used to pride myself at being a great LJ friend.  I tell you, life has been coming at me, and I am just crazy overwhelmed.  I'm sorry it has been that way for a while, too, and believe me, I am tired of it.  :/  There are a few other things that have been happening, and I don't know how to explain them, ( Read more... )

public, pics & banners, health stuffs, overwhelmed, funktification, promoting communities, grateful, i'm sorry :(

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Comments 16

remmingtonglock August 25 2019, 20:50:08 UTC

I understand.  A lot of days im wondering where the day went.  Blessings ❤️


heyurs September 10 2019, 14:32:04 UTC

It's like something is deliberately trying to drive us crazy, huh?! :O

Thank you for being my faithful friend! *big hugs* ♥


remmingtonglock September 10 2019, 16:56:04 UTC

You're welcome.  Thank you for being a funderful friend ❤️


hisescape August 26 2019, 02:16:37 UTC

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


heyurs September 10 2019, 14:33:04 UTC

hehe! Thanks for posting your link, Sweetie! ♥


casey28 August 26 2019, 16:21:28 UTC
I've been way behind too, so no worries! I'm trying to be more active on LJ. It's good to hear from you! *big hugs*

The Pixel Palace sounds like fun. :)


heyurs September 10 2019, 14:34:15 UTC

Hey, Sweetie! *hugs you* I have missed you! Thanks for popping in--I know how life can be. *nods* ♥


nickygabriel August 26 2019, 18:45:37 UTC


heyurs September 10 2019, 14:34:45 UTC

Love you, too! x) ♥


custoslucis August 27 2019, 00:23:55 UTC
*hugs you tight* I know how you feel. I'm so far behind it's terrible


heyurs September 10 2019, 14:35:30 UTC

Yeah, and then LJ went and locked me out again. *sigh* I really am sick of this. SO good to see you, though! *big hugs* ♥


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